Saturday, March 31, 2007

i love my cell group girls! but since its like 2.16 am now, and there's service tmr, and i most certainly do not want to fall asleep in service... i shall faai ti go shower n sleep! but again, dont know why i dont feel sleepy at all. had so much fun today. i think i seem to keep having fun these days. haha. but thats a good thing. to summarise, we went to ten dollar club to sing! (they all came late. i sang for 1 hour by myself! haha :P ) then we went to mp's office and played there... (i broke a piece of glass... oops.. .scared me terribly... was so afraid that mp would be angry! really didnt know how she wld react.. but she was so amused abt it... whew... but she hurt her finger... it was bleeding... :( ) and after that, we had supper at kembangan! shuling wailing n jinfei came over for sleepover... shiok shiok... it feels so nice and comfortable to be with them :) oh and tissue prata was delicious! bring my boy go there n eat when he comes back.

Friday, March 30, 2007

pictures from yunnan... cos i'm in a rush now, i'll add captions abt them at a later date! :)

second post! muahaha. so strange, now that i've FINALLY got a new place to express myself... all at once i forgot what i wanted to write!

ok i shall just be routine la huh.

took 67 home from lum's church just now. games with his youth pple n xh was fun fun fun! although it reminded me of how little movies i watch, and that i really dont know a lot of erm famous pple. AND. not just pple too. but things in general. lousy general knowledge i have. ie, i had NEVER heard of stonehenge and knoll before... so saying, i really enjoyed pyramid game a lot. i rmmr playing that with korkor b4. quite fun. hehe. when i first went on stage, i was really quite jin zhang lor!

so anyway, made a few new friends, more like acquaintances actually haha. all pretty nice pple. fang ting (future chinese teacher! majored in chinese in nus wor... ), sylvia (haha so funny i rmmr the previous week we were trying to strategise how to share the gospel with xh and alex... :P), shuwen ( seems quite quiet, but quite cute in a way, and rather sweet too. hee), and all the rest, the guys and one couple. but i didnt catch their names. heh.

gosh its one plus already!!!

funny how i still feel quite awake. i wonder why? ~muses~

jy msged me when i was at taka going to meet xh, he wanted to go cycling.. .told him if go, could only meet him at 11 plus... after i reach home from leng kwang baptist church mah. but in the end he was too lazy to go cycling with me so late. haha. just as well, dunno why on the bus home i started feeling kinda queasy... then after that was dreaming of food... was seriously considering buying a roti prata home... thought maybe its lack of food making me feel funny. haha. but the funny feeling wasnt exactly due to hunger leh. strange. somehow i resisted the temptation to buy roti prata (told my self there was still that frozen sunshine pizza in the fride, can save $$$), and went straight home... and to my delight, found WANTON MEE (and from the dunman stall too!!!! my absolute fave man. and super value for $$$. its only $2 for one packet! ~licks lips~ ) waiting for me in the fridge! u cant imagine how happy i was. i was simply craving some salty proper food... and there was the perfect meal.. and so i gobbled down my wanton mee, followed by pineapple (just as well, since it's supposed to be good for the digestive system heh), and then... erm... chips. ~guilty look~ good thing wei siong's call came in time, otherwise i might have finished the whole pack... why am i losing my self control?!?!?! the only consolation was that, at least i didnt eat a second packet of wanton mee... which i was very tempted to do... could have easily managed it lor :D thats me. the girl with the big appetite. unlike xh... she didnt finish her rice from the taka yakitori stall! heh. that kind of girl is small tumy girl. or at least, smaller than mine. reminds me, was reading a bit of her notes.. and learnt that malaria may make hiv worse in a pregnant lady, while hiv WILL make malaria in a pregnant lady worse.. or is it the other way wrong... cant rmmr liaos, whoops! but nvm i dont have exmas on that... poor dear her finals are so soon! dear God please be with ehr as she studies, help her to have discipline, to focus and concentrate, to be able to digest whatever she's studying... and give her peace. :)

ok as i was saying earlier, (or maybe i didnt) kudos goes to lum for coming up with the games. i'm impressed. and the slides were nice too! also, i like the chinese hymns they sing... i realise i should try to be more immersed in chinese stuff, both in ministry or otherwise... then can converse better with pple in china when i go there... (when because i MUST must MUST go back to yunnan! a bit scared that i might not be able to go i june... only 2 weeks break in my first sem.. but i want to go!!! dear Lord, if it be Your Will for me, please clear all obstacles that may lie in my path preventing me from going.. ) and also cos now i'll be tutoring chinese. AGAIN. muahaha. so funny. its my same tuition kid... my very first kid... so pretty special in a way. its quite gratifying to hear from his mum that his results have improved tremendously, and that he went from worst class in sec 1 to best class in sec 2! only dark cloud in his blue sky is that apparently he failed his chinese miserable. oops! haha. so here i come to the rescue :P and i have decided to be a better-prepared tutor this time wrong... have prepared for my first lesson with him tmr :) should be quite interesting eh.. hehe.. and whilst tutoring him, i myself will also refresh my own knowledge of chinese and learn more new things! ie, one of the phrases i learnt... 即以其人之道,还治其人之身。 哈哈。。。 很有墨水hor? ~grinz~jialing really likes chinese! but then, i think if i really took a dip in that or something, and have to write chinese essays and all... i dunno how i'll manage... :P

just recalled that even as i happily type all these, my boyboy is sitting for his ta-ti-tick exam.. (haha ok, actually its statistics :P) dear God please help him to do his best and not to make any careless mistakes! :)

listening to zhang shao han's 浮云 now... really like that song... and the lyrics are really meaningful too... lets just say they really strike a chord with me... :) let me put the lyrics here! off i go to baidu muahhaa.. .thank God for baidu...


总相信直觉, 我越过原野
没到过的世界, 都好想去发现.
就相信直觉, 不在乎多远,

不知我有一天是佛真的能跑我想去的那个宽阔的草地。。。不知我的这个梦想到底是佛实不实际呢?会不会有人支持我? at this moment, i think i have only really seriously told 2 pple what i wanna do... not sure.. hee.

soeaking of singers, it suddenly occurred to me to do something quite boh liao. like put up a list of my likes and all. and also start my wish list for my bday and let it accumulate muahaha. i'm such a materialistic person :( these daysm there are so many things i'd like to have, ie, today in popular, i saw a chinese english dictionery... $19.90 i think... i want!!! hahaa. i think i'll b quite happy if someone gave me that for my bday. tho my bday is pretty far away haha. its the 汉 dictionery.. .some bluish colour book... heh. oh yes, something else i'd do with is some special clothes hangers. was at bedok East Shore X Ray centre waiitng for my turn, then was browsing through some magazine... saw these special 4 tier-ed hangers! Wah how cool la... can save a lot of wardrobe space... hehe. price wasnt shown, and apparently they r from some place called howard's storage something or other. i have like, zero idea where that is.... ah wells!

ok i think i'll do all those lists thingys another time. its like, almost 2.30 now! and i'm still wide awake! oh my... bad bad... at the very least, i'm not awake cos i'm playing pacman like a certain person in australia... muahaha... so funny... whats more amusing was that while at taka with xh, she lent me her phone to play pacman whilst waiting for her as she studied! wah what's with this re-interest in pacman again... but then, pacman really quite fun... except that i usually prefer watching pple play than to actually play myself. cos i get v animated, and always scared of dying. muahahaha... thats why last time always sit with my bro by the comp and watch him play genghis khan, magic carpet, etc etc.

oh dear. am gonna miss my bro this summer... that guy is abandoning me in spore whilst he 风流快活 in grand canyon with his friends leh... if only i could be there too... cos ai wei and what's-his-name will be there, then the four of us can play brigde! i still rmmr how hilarious it was playing bridge with them when we went on that astro trip... oh man... memories... "rule no. 1 - dont anyhow bid. rule no. 2 - when in doubt, go back to rule no. 1"... like.... ?!?!?!.... but really super super fun :) think that was the time i had most fun playing bridge in recent years... speaking of which... i always enjoy myself on holidays with my bro n his friends... but looks like this year might not have such a chance... so sad. heh. hopefully in dec? this year my kor is going away for a looong loooooong time without me... :( think i'm gonna miss him quite a lot leh... tho at times we really dont talk much... but still... he's my one and only korkor... hee. ok, but i have a few other "korkors" to shower me with love la. ok maybe not a few anymore. hehe. just that one silly guy who happily INSISTED that my bday is in nov. well done yippy! ~sticks out tongue~

ok maybe i should end here... think this entry is pretty long.. actually there r still many things i could write abt (after having been absent for so long, many MANY things to update about! and writing all these down will help me keep these precious memories... =) ), but i shall continue another time! oughta force myself to sleep soon.

so to end off... let me just proclaim... God is good! Thank you for blessing me and arranging things so nicely for me dear Father... please help me to grow in You, to love You and Your ways more, then i may truly learn to be strong in You, to rely on You, that i wont collapse again like the 2 previoous times...

finally another place to unload! lets hope this place lasts... may it represent the start of another phase of my life :) ok time to check how this first post appears. teeheehee :P