Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Happy Children's Day

it's the last day of september...

didnt realise i havent been blogging for so long. since may! wow.. i think my time got absorbed by hk serials. found a much cheaper way of sustaining this previously expensive hobby.. i watch some shows online at tudou now. used to buy and buy vcds. thought i could establish my own little collection. then pple told me the vcds will spoil if u dun play them once in a while. sian -_- haha! i re-watched Detective Investigation Files 4 some weeks back... good stuff.

am incredibly FAT now. due to months of ill discipline and lack of exercise. all the accumulated FAT man... i am so not proud of being the same weight (or heavier) than bear lor... so GROSS can. why on earth is he so slim?!?!?! must fatten him up. heheheeeee .... :D

lots of things have happened in the past couple months.. at this point i guess most significant is my attachment at The Caterpillar's Cove (childcare centre on campus) last semester (love the children... ), then Mama Fang's Wedding... then my short trip with Rixin and her family. to Macau, Zhuhai and HK. finallly gpt to play in Ocean Park! heh... but so sad la, no bear by my side, sitting the Mine Train was reeeally scary. at least in KennyWood i could grab his hand tightly... lol. anyhow, was really great travelling with Rixin's family. would have been even more perfect if there had been more time, if things could have been at a more leisurely pace (ie more time to sleeep...), and if we could have played more bridge! hahahahaaa...

ok, gotta go. kids are waking up. better see how i can help.