Tuesday, October 9, 2007

everything in moderation..

i over-indulged in chocolates today.

i have like.... NO SELF CONTROL. this is bad. preposterous!

so even though chocolates is supposed to make you happy... over-doing it leaves u feeling glum. cos i'm now mentally kicking myself inside for not stopping. i ate one to try the taste... then i continued... and continued... AND CONTINUED A LOT MORE TIMES... and then i even proceeded to take out the ferrero rocher from zhiyang's mum and feasted on them as well... finally stopped myself from finishing off the last 2 when yanpng and dj msn-ed me n i decided i should reply and not be tao. so i stopped in time to begin feeling guilty enough to not continue eating...

the harm's already been done. everything in moderation!!!! MISSS WAH!!!!
*bish* ---- a box from myself to myself.


ok sorry for that long winded passage. it actually isnt the highlight of my day. highlight was cabbing to braddell to pick up Pastor Deng then going down to Wisma Food Republic for lunch with him, jinfay n pris, with wailing joining us later. then taking mrt then cab with him and pris to city harvest at the ulu west side of singapore (in pris's words, that's not spore, thats an island OFF spore... ) and since we were already in such an ulufied place, we decided to visit 江伟哥哥in nearby ntu.

Thank God for the girls man! and esp 大姐大 pris... :) who took charge in ordering food (yummy north indian cuisine as recommended by dearest fang! what a pity i didnt snap any pictures. worth going to again! plus, no service charge!!!!!) and kept Ps Deng entertained during the mrt and cab ride. had a nice n interesting conversation with home on the looooooooong way home from ulu "island" ntu. lol. oh yes, and we got to see where yippy's hostel is. oh dear, typing "yippy" reminds me of zhu ming jie... becos he always sang the yippy wah wah song... got to see yippy's 2005 yep photos today too, cos he had the original memory card in his hostel room.

miss my kids. i wonder when i will get the chance to go mountain climbing with them...

stomach still feeling bloated. if only i could prick a hole and let all the chocolate ooooooooooooze out.



anonym said...

"prick a hole and let all the chocolate ooooooooooooze out"


Unknown said...

indeed it is ulu singapore.. and i've decided to call it 'Nanyang Island' hahaha~~~

rivers27 said...

hahahaha... you are entertaining... in fact both u and jason are good conversationalist i can just sit n listen to you two talk ;P so. has he started going for cell group again? lol.