Wednesday, November 28, 2007

some time ago i suddenly thought of those short periods in cameron highlands and in fraser's hill... and i wish i could experience that kind of feeling again. there's just something which i can't quite place into words that i long for about those times.. maybe a bit of everything, the place, the people, the setting... it was church camps when i was attending st andrew's cathedral. in dec 2002 and 2003 i believe. so long ago... and that's when i got to know my 妹.. whom at this point of time i have somewhat drifted apart from. i guess we were never close-close, yet we did have some sort of regular contact. used to read her blog pretty often. i rmmr how in jc days i would check her blog each time i went to the comp lab. lol. just read her blog just now and somehow felt a tinge of sadness..

i dont make as much effort as i used to before. maybe partly after these 2 years too, i tend to keep more to myself.

went to visit wailing at bukit panjang on impulse after project meeting this morn! had lunch with her at food court - ban mian and mee hoon kuey! waiwai laughed at me when she saw my tears from eating red chilli... ahahha. weiwei n xh used to laugh at me for tearing too when eating laksa in the rgs canteen :P it was quite funny how amused waiwai was. but the chilli was super hot!! i wiped away quite a bit of tears hurhur.

FINALLY attended my first dance lesson for this month. (my month starts from 11th of each month to the 11th of the next month) i'm wasting my $$$ for not going for dance! it's partly cos my right knee was hurting some time back.. quite pain when going up and down stairs.. now it's ok thank God! :)

Thursday, November 22, 2007

isnt my polar bear cute? lol. i painted it ok! it's erm, chinese painting. the past week was e-learning week, so no lessons except for 1 at 8 am on monday morn :X but on wed, thurs n fri, there was RED camp for sec sch students to come get a feel of ngee ann... the sec students were taught to paint that courtesy of the Chinese Studies department of the School of Humanities. i painted it on wed while helping out. thought of my yunnan kids again as i painted.. wonder how they are. miss 3 boys and 2 little girls in particular. all of whom i have no way of direct contact. if only they all had hps!!!

it's sunday afternoon, watching The Unbeatables on tv now :) i love this show... heheh. so exciting to watch last time. 1st episode today, hope can follow the whole series! cant rmmr what happened in the show alr, was sooo long ago that it was first shown.

thanks for all the concern, pple :)

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

i wonder if my day would have been any different had i gone to meet fi at the appointed time of 10 am this morn instead of succumbing to my laziness enhanced by the rain. not that my day's over yet, in fact i;ve more than half the day left.. but at this rate, i can see myself wasting time away and feelin crappy at the end of the day.

for some unknown strange reason, feeling a bit blue. that's why i've been trying to keep from being home alone in a way. so ironic that it's my free day yet.. hmm.. haiyah nvm.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

jialing feeling sad... again. hahahahahahahaha.

hmmmm. is it mood swinging? or is it something more deep.

i guess i can only get the answer from one source right.

it's so encouraging to see the faith others have, like the lian huas, but it also leaves me feeling like why arent i like that cos i dont think i am.

on a seperate, i have decided to eat my rice again :)
maybe eating rice will keep my stomach happy enough to not eat lots of other rubbish! although after my vegetable rice today i ate waffle (yum yum!) then tao huey with the girls :) i think this was only my 2nd time eating tao huey supper with them...

eh dont know if it's bad of me lah but i hope the girl rents the master bedroom.. hahaha... then i can see my waiwai again and this time go see her off! :)

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

backdated photos

rachel came to find us at lucky chinatown where we k-boxed with yanping! signed min's card then i rmmr. haha.

they dont want to take photo! but i still took anyway ;)

a mixture of expressions.

happiness is contagious :)

the same person whose hand reached out in the following pic pretending to be about to give minmin a bath.. or was it to extingish the bday candle... min min looks cute with one eye open!

no prizes for guessing who's hand that was who reached out to cho-chok minmin during her bday dinner...

yep mini gathering at jurong bird park 2+ years down the road!

3 pretty ladies! oops sorry, i think 3 tired ladies sound more apt :)

group photo after we 'changed appetites' at marina square

happy birthday to my lian hua jie jie! hahhaa ok i mean happy birthday rachel! i bet if spanny had been there she would have gobbled down the rest of your ice cream cake for you hehe :D

the proud owner of a handsome red car... presenting the kiddudette! who's erm promoting green grapes. healthy lifestyle mah.

my cousin's attempt to cook orh luak! 2 attempts. and thats the eel she bought to microwave.. i was terribly amused that she and her sis ate bits of it first before dinner so that it was served 1/3 gone!

guess who's that... and guess what's being cooked...

sim kim hui aka shen jin fay aka golden concubine being her usual self ;)

dont the girls look so so soo high? haha. the aftermath of celebrating annie's birthday at sakae sushi... well more laughter is always good :)