Friday, August 15, 2008

life is at its peak now. or rather, this season i'm current;y in is so good, save one point... am not getting enough sleep. lol. otherwise, everything's good, more or less la haha, a very satisfying sch term is ending, hols are starting, my US trip is approaching, i'm in contact with friends again, am drawing closer to God once more and 're-discovering' my faith for the third time lol, and enjoying a fruitful relationship with my dearest mr bear.

material things wise, i cannot deny how priviledged and blessed i am because my parents and mr bear provide for ALL my needs and erm, unfortunately, most of my wants. unfortunately cos, yes, i really do have a lot of wants.. getting apalled at myself, how come my list of wants never seems to decrease??!

was with ivy-vi just now and it was just so good catching up after ALL THESE YEARS. filling each other up with the brief/essential details of our lives ever since 1999 till now. thats like, erm, almost a decade can! i thank God for this friendship, i thank God that everything i 'invested' into our friendship then has finally born some fruits in the sense that i cant believe u initiated today's meet up :) heh sorry la, i can be that lil bit jaded abt friendships. it was a god solid 5 hours spent tgt. am looking forward to visiting you in ntu and seeing just how bad the lab system is.. and we will study together ok! heheh. thank you for your patience as i erm shopped for that yellow blue thing. muahaha. i'm REALLY looking forward to seeing more of you in future, ok? p/s: i can see now why u dont like dawn yang... lol. interesting the stuff there is to read abt her.

i should be sleeping i know. having slept ard 3+ 4 hours last night, what with last minute mugging and seeing mr bear off.. but i have no idea why i'm not feeling sleepy now. HMMM.

ONE more paper to go. just that ONE MORE.... :D

Thursday, August 14, 2008

I thank God for...

... the small miracle of finding my ITBD (infant and toddler behaviour n development) file 14 hours before the exam tmr at 2 pm. To be more accurate, i thank God for Wati whom i think found it for me. Nevertheless, i thank God for enabling her to find it cos i had been searching for it for days and couldnt find it.. (this is how last minute i have become in poly. lol. i REALLY cant imagine myself being so last minute in rg or rj lor! )

.. my wonderful wonderful Mr Bear who has blessed me just by being him and all the things he has done for me, and for the great 1.5 months we had together this year, through which i believe our 'friendship' grew another level as we quarrelled and made up over little things that form the basis of communication. for all his gifts and presents, things like the blender (!!!) today and the taxi fare home... :) i will miss you, but i'm excited cos i will be seeing you in the States finally! looking forward to seeing your cell group and playing with all the kids hahaha. and many many other things. i thank God for you, period.

... my mama fang who together with mr bear have been the 2 pillars who stand by me when i'm at my rock bottom. who when i cannot see hope, can see it for me and so together with others, support me through and accept me for who i am :)

... my parents, cos they are the ones who get the most crap and shit from me, to be frank and erm somewhat crude. i cant imagine having myself as a daughter lor! *faint. for how far we have come as a family, and for how much further we will continue to go..

... for my brother, because regardless of how many other 'brudders'-ish relationships i establish with good guyfriends, nothing comes close to that single blood tie which God has given for a reason. how tho we arent close in the traditional sense of the word and dont tell each other everything, he's a special person in my life who has special influence on me. oh yes, did i mention the nice presents he gets me from his overseas escapades??? lol. they're partly why i "forgive" him for not being more available and taking more initiative when i need him lol.

... for my helper Wati, for her indispensable help in everything. :) really EVERYTHING. heh.

... for a lot of other things like resolution or closure in some sense to a broken friendship which i have been ambivalent about for... 3 years. lol. for all the friendships with those special gals, you know who you are ok ;) YOU are important to me, be you church friends, band friends, ex-classmates etc. i love you!

i musnt go on for now anymore otherwise really no point having found my file cos wont have time to study!!

:) :) :) :) :)

last but not least, I thank God for God. hahaha. :)

Friday, August 1, 2008

guess how much that stone cost... btw, it's the real thing k. from larry jewellery...

i love the rosemary lamb chop at botak jones! my meat fix. my treat to myself to celebrate last lesson for the semester! :D

our much aniticipated reunion.. i'm so glad the day has finally come :) although some things have changed... but may the friendship remain and grow stronger :)

picture update!

My second 1st Aug Birthday Baby friend. happy birthday gal!! :)
after watching the dark knight... good show :)

joanne with her bday presents! :)

our lunch at alumni!! yum yum :)

jinfei, myself, and crepes! delicious :P this was after red cliff... good show! with unexpected comical parts, lol.

Joanne's "birthday cake"! my brainchild ok... :)