Wednesday, September 24, 2008

back home in spore.. 3 weeks feels like it has zoomed past me.. now my mind keeps entertaining thoughts of going back, for purely playful reasons. flip the papers and my glance immediately goes to airfare to america. lol. ah wells.. yet.. if i do have the time to travel, in the near future i guess it wouldnt be to there again. after all, i havent been to yunnan in a while. thats one place i definitely wanna go back to.. and there's still australia.. perth n melbourne.. maybe will go perth with my family one day? i just dont know when now. but yes, my dad is right when he says my mom needs a break - she's been working all her life for goodness sake! and she hasnt been in good health these couple of months.. always falling sick..

anyway, yest was a highly, erm, entertainingly fun n special day :) i was honoured to have been able to spend it with her, and to share in those special 'amazing-race-ish' moments.. and i'm glad the gift came at a right time. and i'm glad too that my bouquet-making skills have been proven to be able to handle that new challenge.. :)

basking in the aftermath of having had a heart-to-heart chat with a special new friend.. never dared to imagine that we would be able to talk so much and share so openly.. :) hearing her describe how she was beaming as she read my letter in the office and colleagues teased her asking if it's from a guy, and that she asked for my hp number saying that she could call me at times too... felt happy :) friendship IS a 2-way street ya. u may wanna befriend someone but that person may not exactly want to have that kind of friendship with you. in any case, she's this capable, independent, pretty, and friendly big sister to me.. and i pray that God will watch over this friendship and help the friendship seeds that have been sown to eventually bloom despite the distance... (think 10000+ miles by plane lol) and maybe one day i can share about my heavenly papa to her? hee.

i didnt realise 24th sept was so many pple's birthday.. this period of time is birthday season man! LOL.

ok no link to all the above, but i resolve to manage my finances better and to try my very best to keep unnecessary spending at bay and to SAVE $$$! (only then can i self-sponsor hol trips like what many of my peers do. hehe)

despite that.. i am hoping to buy a UMPC (ultra-mobile PC) and a new camera! so have been asking ard, checking out the prices and all.. a umpc would be so handy to bring to sch, bring out n ard n all.. maybe i can ask for that for erm, my 22nd bday present? HEE. as for a new cam.. wells my appearance-wise battle-battered 3 year old konika minolta is still functioning but.. i wanna get something with better features.. so wells, i'll save $$$ first then see how.. currenty eyeing nikon coolpix s550.. ard $350 at PS Best. me wants greater optical zoom (more than the usual 3x) and 28mm wide angle view if possible!

so many wants i have. hurhur.

2.5 weeks left to start of school! does anyone wanna meet up?? :)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

jialing is enjoying herself in the states so much that she doesnt wanna go back to singapore.. uh oh.. the ideal situation would be to spend another week in pittsburgh with my baobao first then come ny for yet another week... LOL :) ya right, dream on miss wahwah... haha!
let's have a look at some nice photos n pple in photos! :)

in YAle! :)
the Wahs :)

my newly purchased coach bag, my cousin, n her boyfriend Joseph. vey nice guy :)

we are one family! well almost. hurhur.

need i say more? thats my baobao dearest! :) at the lobby of my cousin's apt.. lovely vase of flowers :)
our dear ziming.. lol... was excited about going to connecticut to look for him today. was quite nice seeing his room, crashing his econometrics lecture, having him bring me ard for a short while n all :)

mr lau lau! cool to meet up with my so6b mate n PW friend here in NY :) we're gonna catch spamalot on broadway tmr! :P

we love jap ramen! :) good food rocks :) though it'd be nice if this wasnt ny so that it wld be cheaper.. n so tips wld also be cheaper.. HEH

chiobu! tour guide who picked my dad n i up from the airport when we first landed in NY LGA. was a tad disappointed that she wasnt my tour guide.. but still, managed to talk a bit to her n take some nice shots, like this one :) oh yes, it's also fun practising my canto on her, heheh.

handsome lil joshua after getting his hair cut.. too bad this isnt that nice a photo of him.. hee.
the mum of that cute boy above.. Kelly! ")

ai wen! my first viola friend.. talented musician and earrings-maker! :)

he loves his rice! but it turns out that he prefers his watermelon over rice, as i found out when fruits were served after dinner, heh.

one of my fave pics :) thats Uncle Wei Siong and adorable lil Naomi! the cute boy in green above is her very active brother, Nathan :) who i only got to meet once and thus doesnt wanna be my friend. lol.

thats my baobao, me, cocoa, and her husband bryan! my godpa and godma lol. i love this couple to bits! :) bryan is the person who reminded me at first glance of ching sing.. then there was another person, brian who reminded me of paul khoo... hahahaa
ok thats all for now!

Monday, September 15, 2008

waiting for my baobao to call me.. his phone network is misbehaving. lol.

munching on chips waiting for him in the meantime. sour cream n onion! n this pkt of 60.3g only caused 99 cents, what a steal man :)

let's see, how is life here different from back in spore?

1. my SUPER EFFICIENT bowel system... no kidding ok.. walking ard on the streets, suddenly feel got urge for beeeg business... i've nv been to the toilet so regularly b4! good thing my bowels arent liddat in china can. i cant imagine having to keep going to thei mao ce!

2. how regular i've become at my skincare regime. i've NEVER been so conscientious abt applying moistuizer n all.. but it's so darn supe dry that my skin was flaking terribly badly.. so on goes layers of moisturizers.. only for the face tho. too lazy fo whole body, only when i;m i the mood then apply to legs n hands. hehe :)

3. da pao da pao food everywhere i go! o almost everywhere la. it's cos they serve food in most places in ridiculosly HUGE portions.. so in the spirit of not wasting food and $$$, everytime i'm full enough n cant finish, it's packed to takeaway. :) n i'll have it later in the day or the next day.. HEE. i think it'd be a better idea if they served smaller portions at smaller prices lor! :)

4. i've been cooking! haha, but all the time save 1 time (cooking with ws, we did sweet n sour cum ketchup chicken with orange n yellow capsicum, n shanghaichoy with shitake mushroom in oyster sauce:P ), it's always noodles in soup, with various veg, sometimes sausage, sometimes egg, sometimes wanton/chicken/tuna etc. heheh. dunno y i just keep feeling like eating noodles soup here, so just as well la.. rice n fying stuff wld be more mafan. heh.

ok thats it for the main big differences. i shld go sleep early today since tmr will be the ealiest that dad n i are leaving the house.. we've been such pampered travellers, leaving ard 11+ 12 + so far.. tmr will be a challenge at 8am! :)

Friday, September 12, 2008

Monday, September 8, 2008

i'm very happy now :) more accurately, i feel so blissful...

the difference between happiness and blissfulness, 快乐和幸福。

which would you choose?

that at-the-spur-of-a-moment burst of happiness can be very tempting, no?


it's like a dream come true to be here in the states, first holidaying, then now with wei siong at pittsburgh, finally able to put faces to names, to see what his apt looks like, to experience the bustle of his school for myself...

i love just sitting on the grass patch beneath the shade of a small tree and watching pple go by or playing tennis or just doing my own stuff, even as the wind blows occasionally...

so, so idyllic.

it's been 3 bouts so far, and this hol is 3 weeks long. is 1 week of holiday worth 1 bout? haha. a loose association.


been meeting very very nice pple... and very very cute kids. hehe! :) pictures up another time cos kinda hard to sync everything, i've been taking pics by the hundreds... please pray that nothing bad happens to my portable hard disk drive, that it doesnt crash or get stolen or anything, cos thats where all my precious precious memories are...

today, had a good time chatting with bryan n his wife cocoa. such wonderful friendly pple, and cocoa gave me a very pretty rose which she made herself! it's so special, never seen anything like it b4... anyway, bryan is this guy who reminds me A LOT of ching sing... they look similar, and mannerisms also a bit.. just that bryan here is a larger, more vocal, more expressive version of cs, whom i think is much, much quieter. heh. think it would be interesting if 1 day they could meet each other... LOL.

bryan commented that from the first instant that he saw me on friday night when ws brought me to cell group, he went home n told his wife that i was a very bubbly person. and that i was very controlled that night. i was so amused la... cos haha in a sense it's quite accurate.. i WAS pretty mild, actually quite normal and sane that night, so the fact that he could tell i was bubbly AND controlled from that 1 meeting alone was quite impressive :P and he said he was surprised at first cos he imagined that ws's gf would be quiet like him too, 没想到却是 exact opposite... he said he cant imagine me being out of control. ahahah~! :D

ok, enough for now! better use the time to upload more photos to facebook while ws's reading his textbk n doesnt need the laptop yet... hehe :)

take care everyone!