Tuesday, September 16, 2008

jialing is enjoying herself in the states so much that she doesnt wanna go back to singapore.. uh oh.. the ideal situation would be to spend another week in pittsburgh with my baobao first then come ny for yet another week... LOL :) ya right, dream on miss wahwah... haha!
let's have a look at some nice photos n pple in photos! :)

in YAle! :)
the Wahs :)

my newly purchased coach bag, my cousin, n her boyfriend Joseph. vey nice guy :)

we are one family! well almost. hurhur.

need i say more? thats my baobao dearest! :) at the lobby of my cousin's apt.. lovely vase of flowers :)
our dear ziming.. lol... was excited about going to connecticut to look for him today. was quite nice seeing his room, crashing his econometrics lecture, having him bring me ard for a short while n all :)

mr lau lau! cool to meet up with my so6b mate n PW friend here in NY :) we're gonna catch spamalot on broadway tmr! :P

we love jap ramen! :) good food rocks :) though it'd be nice if this wasnt ny so that it wld be cheaper.. n so tips wld also be cheaper.. HEH

chiobu! tour guide who picked my dad n i up from the airport when we first landed in NY LGA. was a tad disappointed that she wasnt my tour guide.. but still, managed to talk a bit to her n take some nice shots, like this one :) oh yes, it's also fun practising my canto on her, heheh.

handsome lil joshua after getting his hair cut.. too bad this isnt that nice a photo of him.. hee.
the mum of that cute boy above.. Kelly! ")

ai wen! my first viola friend.. talented musician and earrings-maker! :)

he loves his rice! but it turns out that he prefers his watermelon over rice, as i found out when fruits were served after dinner, heh.

one of my fave pics :) thats Uncle Wei Siong and adorable lil Naomi! the cute boy in green above is her very active brother, Nathan :) who i only got to meet once and thus doesnt wanna be my friend. lol.

thats my baobao, me, cocoa, and her husband bryan! my godpa and godma lol. i love this couple to bits! :) bryan is the person who reminded me at first glance of ching sing.. then there was another person, brian who reminded me of paul khoo... hahahaa
ok thats all for now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

weisiong looked so happy when you and your dad were in US!

Finally.. you peeps gotta meet up again :D

Goot photos taken! ^-^