Thursday, December 11, 2008

too many things that happened that i reflected about and had wanted to write

school sucked my blood and deprived me of my beauty sleep.

guess i just have to settle for updating on how i've been and upload nice pics of recent times! :)

For one, i have been getting a heavy dose of DOROTHY STEPHANIE NG aka DOT DOT

partly cos i requested to do all group projects with her, so she's definitely in all my project groups. and somehow for little projects like today's poster design in class, apparently lots were drawn and we STILL ended up tgt, lol. good thing though, i dun think anyone else can stand how opinionated and domineering i am at times...

brings to mind how upset and hurt i was last sem when a clique member said that of me in an email. went ard asking friends whether they concurred, and what being domineering meant to them. got a variety of answers i think. the one that stood out the most was how all of us are domineering at times when it comes to things that matter to us? i guess, the gist is, we all have our domineering sides..

anyway, the point is, i concur. felt so bad while doing the poster in class with dotdot, cos i kept veto-ing everything she suggested initially. was in a state of disarray cos our original planned design was heavily criticized by teacher and we had to literally come up with a whole new design on the spot. kept feeling like, how how how!?!?!! dunno how to arrange things so it'll look nice.. but i'm gad to say that, at the end of the day, we came through fine :) our poster was pretty nice, and it was cos of dot's suggestions! i think i was having mind block la, just couldnt visualize how to put the various parts of the poster tgt so it would be nice. so anyway, dotdot also has me to thank! cos if i hadnt veto-ed her initial ideas, she wouldnt have thought of the idea that we finally used :) so, we make a good team. lol.

thanks for everything, dotdot :) pics of us :)

my fat legs aside, i like this pic a lot! in the new GELATO ice cream place at Sunset Way... hahaha... i made dotdot walk from ngee ann to clementi mrt with me and we passed by that place on the way and decided to be nice to ourselves. so we treated ourselves to ice cream and waffle! we deserved it ok. stayed back in school till EIGHT PM to burn the cd for ITA assignment.. it wasnt easy figuring out what to burn and what to delete so as not to clutter up the cd, esp as we were super sian and zonked after sleeping 1+ hours the night b4 (spent mon night at dot's house after chionging project in sch on a public hol - hari raya haji - from 10 am till 11.10pm. broke a new record man. previously left sch at 11pm the week b4 chioning EA project... ). wanna thank dotdot for staying back with me to help me with it! otherwise.. hurhur.. i was really VERY SIAN about having to figure that out after already spending so much time on the assignment already..

haha we're too big, the ice cream behind us can barely be seen. lol

in sch, canteen 1 just before leaving. dun we look cute? hahahahaa

act cute pic 2 :D

nice normal pic.

isnt't our poster nice? :) actually, personally i find it too colourful.. lol. too many colours screaming for my attention. and. DOT and i spent A LOT of money on materials for that darn thing la! for some reason, we thought it was to be a HUGE poster, like a bit smaller than mahjong size.. so we bought TWO big pieces of black paper.. each was like abt 3 bucks.. then u see the pretty shiny paper used for the words "Dazzle & Shine '08"? that cost SIX bucks ok.. heart pain... and the green thing for our Xmas tree? i suggested buying 2 or 3.. dot went to buy SIX. each was like almost a buck la. bought other stuff too... oh man.. we really boosting the economy can.. and DUN GET ME STARTED ON HOW MANY TIMES I CABBED THIS PAST WEEK AND A HALF...

at least the poster session ended on a pleasant note. then again, i need that grade to pull up what i prophesy will be a not-high grade for my case study which is 5% more.. cos i merrily crapped out 4 pages only to realise later that 1 of the grading criteria was "ability to be concise etc etc." so, merry christmas to me.. there goes my marks flying away from me.. who ask me to be so last minute.. but then.. its cos of the continuous onslaught of work.. i really am dying la. ok choy. i will survive.

credits to jojo for helping us take the photo with teacher elizabeth! :)

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