Thursday, January 22, 2009

We all have flaws. I'm not blind to mine. I see them staring me in the face.

Do others know theirs?

Do we know how others perceive us, the things they feel but don't say?

Everyone needs a little reflection time.

Jesus is the only judge who sees all.
If I've done something against anyone, i answer to him on Judgement Day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A lot of time we judge, I feel it is because, we feel that we are better than the others. Judgement comes with arrogrance in the innermost of a human heart. I was reading James, it teaches us to consider others better than ourselves. All of us are made in God's image. To be judgmental to people, it is like to be judgmental to God. To love others, it is to love God :-) God spoke to me through his word.