Wednesday, November 4, 2009

6 days to physical fitness test. am i ready?

hahahaha. wat do YOU think... (obviously not la.)
2.4 should be ok, but not shuttle run, incline pull up (think u-l-t-r-a w-e-a-k a-r-m-s), and standing broad jump. i have an MC for standing broad jump though.. but quite pointless cos it's either i get exempted from everything or nothing. actually i hope to pass everything and get a Bronze. ah wells.

Why do we go with the flow
Or take an easier road?
Why are we playin' it safe?
Love came to show us the way
Love is a chance we should take
I'm movin' out of the way
Don't let your lights go down
Don't let your fire burn out
'Cause somewhere, somebody needs a reason to believe
Why don't you rise up now?
Don't be afraid to stand out
That's how the lost get found
The lost get found

finally got into my hotmail account and cleared the emails that piled up over the week. my silly hotmail was down or somethingla! (GRRRR) and found this song from a friend... Britt Nicole's The Lost Get Found.

i have to confess. life gets so busy with the 101 (x infinity) that we need to do or want to do or should be doing. at least, thats how i feel now with the start of school.. my energy is focused on getting thru each day, following each lesson and keeping up to date with assignments and datelines. it's the last sem afterall, and tonnes of assignments due around EVERY corner. suffice to say, there's always work to be done. (important but not urgent? ahaha) throw in all the other committments, like time in church, cell, puppetry, exercising (or rather, attempting to train for NAPFA test next wed), plus things i want to do (prepare 'nutritious' food to bring to sch), that really doesnt leave much time and energy for much else.

side note: havent even been getting enough sleep! It's like 4.08am now and b4 u exclaim WHY ON EARTH am i up at such an... ORBIT hour when i should be resting, please let me clarify, this is not of my own volition. Nope, nobody pointed a gun and me and ordered me to wake up. i just couldn't sleep. was lying on my bed and sniffing away using tissue to stuff my nose and being conscious that i was awake and that i want to sleep... yet just.. couldn't. went to bed ard 10. woke up at 2 plus 3. so only slept 4+ hours. Well done to me. this at a time when i purposely wanted to sleep till 6am at least... sigh. the past few nights alr not enough sleep and was feeling ill yest, sneezing away with runny nose. so really wanted to rest more tonight one. SIGH.

listening to that song and thinking about its lyrics reminded me about what this life is supposed to me about... which i am very guilty of frequently neglecting. at the end of the day, souls saved are worth infinitely more than any earthly achievements. yet. it's so easy to get caught up with life. becos being part of this world.. how to not be? (ok is that my excuse) i can only conclude that i still havent learnt to draw a balance and simply be an everyday testimony just by being myself doing everyday help me Lord!

people interested to hear the song can go listen to it here: [this kind of youtube videos i fully support... NOT jap animes. hahahaha ;) ]


i thank God for my poly clique :P i love them all.. though i guess i'll always wonder if some have completely forgiven me for things i said/did that unintentionally upset/hurt them, i really like having this special group of friends to call my own :) it's something that i never experienced much of before. friends who celebrate your birthday and do things together with.. haha. it's our last sem tgt.. not close to some of them.. hope we keep in touch and not just that, but may the friendship live on and continue to blossom :)

when i compare the 2, i cant help but feel sad.. i guess it's like how people say it's the bad that helps you appreciate the good. cos the contrast was so great.. it couldnt help but show even clearer how... sad this time round's was.
it's when u assume, subconsiously or otherwise that u get hurt. by your own self. cos you were taking it for granted.
it goes to show a lot about me huh. that.. about the impact i must have made.
maybe i already anticipated it. cos i splurged a lot on myself :D hahaha! bought myself lots of things... now just wondering if i should indulge in that Canon digicam... oh and, Jazz Performance Series Basic class starting on 4 Dec! 12 lessons, 1.5 hours each, fri nights... oh man... for once it's at a timing i can't attend!'s FINALLY the beginner's class... but 40 bucks per lesson... should i or should i not.. havent been to dance classes in more than a year... sad.
anyway actually life isn't that sad. i'm actually reasonably happy :) Dotty friends in school keep me happy :) oh oh! and today Evie and Justina said i have a sexy figure... hahhaa thanks for the compliment but i think it's just FATS lor. so funny yet flattering. ego-boosting. LOL.

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