Tuesday, March 9, 2010

need /want to sleep more!

munching on my meatball marinara subway now... lol. children's nap time ending soon, sobs! but, HURRAY cos holidays start next week! at least, i finally get to relax for a while... seriously need to sleep more and just slack and exercise.. now no time for anything!

going to sgh later to visit grandma.. must really pray hard for a speedy recovery with no complications for her.. so sad la, 89 years old liao, then still got to go for operation... no joke man.

it's been very entertaining and enriching working at TCC. subtly picking up skills here and there... and getting 'bullied' occasionally by the kids. haha. but i am most certainly very happy here.. :) (except that the sleep debt has caused me to sometimes feel sian in the morning, but usually once i get here and see the kids i get all perked up)

i wonder when the writing test results will come out? if i can get exemption, then the chances of me going M trip are higher... :) put it this way, if i have the writing course to go for, i definitely cant go M trip. on the same subject of overseas hols, my Aussie trip is on hold.. and church camp at sunway lagoon (!!!) clashes with start of school :X DARN SAD!!! i wanna pon school to go... heh... oops

wells Thank God i have my staycation with bf to look forward to. tho its partly due to that making me sleep deprived - been staying up till 12+ to search for the best bargain. finally found one that i am quite pleased with... just keeping my fingers crossed that it will indeed be good :)

dot has signed up for theory test liaos.. i should too, asap. next mon ba!

and there's this weird interview for i-dunno-what with HMS on fri... ~shrugs~ i just wish we knew what it's for

been quite a nice couple of weeks tho, i meet up with my baobao regularly, watched like 3 movies (if u know me well enough u should know i typically DON"T watch movies at the cinema... haha), ate at nice places, met people whom i rarely see! aka 'shifu's' parents (i guess calling her shifu is just more reminiscent of old times), Mrs Lee, Aunt Mary... :) very interesting visits.

oh and, shu's back!!! sleepovers next week... i hope :)

1 comment:

My Sotong House ^.^ said...

Chia ling, we need to get ready for prom!!! XDXDXDXD so excited!!!haha.=X