Friday, June 25, 2010

in class!

muahahha.. sitting btw maureen, at what has been my comon spot in class this whole week - the pillar in the middle of the room where there are power sockets! hehe. which explains why i position myself here - so i can use my laptop :P

class sharing on multiple intelligences now.. wed and fri lessons are on Creative Drama and Learning/Teachin thru the Arts. quite interesting modules. we played several games as a class, quite cool.. in general, quite cool to have all 63 pple in 1 class attending lectures by the Boston profs. quite a different style, very interactive, lots of readings to do.. everyday seems to fly by, but it's rather fulfilling, feels like how a typical uni student feels i guess haha, except that we have NO EXAMS which may not be a bad thing. i especially like how it feels like we're all a community of learners, all in this journey together.. wonder what it'll be like 2 years from now after we've been through 4 semesters together, not forgeting next june's summer exchange - 5 weeks in boston!! sudddenly, 1 year later seems to be quite soon. haha.

i was rambling, by the way =_= LOL!

the past week actually wasnt the best start it could have been, cos i really didnt manage my time well, lapsing into all the last-minuteness habits again that i REALLY wanna avoid. been... distracted, keep missing the people in China... webcam-ing a few times with them.. thinking of them etc. ah wells. more abt this another time maybe. wth pics of my handsome grown up 'lil brothers' muahahah!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

sian-ness setting in

a blip in the general good mood.

at an internet cafe, and zhiguo is next to me. he's lanning. LOL. those rpg games which sporean also play.. n last night i actually went to sing ktv with him, guobao and some of their friends. it's like.. man, such ordinary things which i never would have imagined me doing with them previously.. it goes to show that young adults everywhere are generally similar.

i cant believe i am blogging from overseas. partly cos i am somewhat bored. its quite late, almost 10pm, n i think i'm not suppose to walk back to the hotel alone after dark. so i smsed josh, waiting for him to reply me. somebody next to me smoking - i HATE cigarette smoke. EeeYucks. i wonder how much pollution i've inhaled these couple of days. anyway, he's happily engaged in his game, n just told me to leave first if i'm tired so.. dun think he'll offer to walk me back today. lol. see how things change. (the appeal of lanning.. haha) ok la, nevertheless he's still been sweet in other ways. like carrying my backpack for me.. was quite surprised when he took it from me n carried it the rest of the day.

i must have been delusional to imagine that i might get more sleep here. the massive accumulated sleep debt is only mounting instead of decreasing. its making me feel sian at the though of sch starting, plus how i am NOT IN THE SAME CLASS AS JOJO AND CARISSA!!! wanna cry already... so upsetting... why oh why... sigh...

the tiredness sets in at night when josh and i usually need to discuss stuff n i become quite non-responsive and maybe even subtly grouchy at him. oops. thank God he's quite the gentleman.. haha. he has been helping to lug my luggage ard, lol. he carried so many bags pple thought i was pulling him.. heh. he looked like he was trying to be superman or something. ahahaha.

the trip's almost over... a part of me wishes i could stay for a month :( cant assess facebook here (i wonder why) so here i am blogging. wanted to tag jojo's tagboard but it's down~! wanted to whine abt God seperating us... i am devastated... and wonder how Evie is, much much better i hope. n i owe sherlene $$$. and and and and lots of other things.

time is flying by, but i'm not ready for it to move on yet....