Sunday, June 3, 2007

church camp was good! it was really a good experience for me.. cos in some ways, it was a breakthrough. i think only jinfei and the chinese service pple will know what i mean by that. hehe.

apart from the spiritual side, i really liked the resort. it was lovely! despite the little hiccups hear n there which got me quite fired up at times. heh. ok, i was fired up in part due to external reasons, which can be summarised in this one word - school.

camp was from thurs to sat, thurs's vesak day hol, fri not holiday, so i would be missing school. and one of lessons that day would require us to form groups for a project. i rmmred that at 12.10 pm as i was lying on my bed in the resort (skipped lunch to go nap due to my shortage of sleep, which i'll explain why the reasons for later), so i smsed a girl whom i knew would surely check her phone. she replied almost at once asking who i was n what i was talking about! (i had called her b4 so she ought to have my hp number..) so i sent another sms to explain. then she replied saying she already left school. cos she was sick. (at which point i was kicking myself inside for wasting a few overseas smses..) so i smsed another girl, kamariah, and went to sleep. woke up at 1 .45 pm, saw her reply saying "um... sori lesson alr ended :(" sent at 12.54 pm. and i felt like kicking myself again. felt very very irritated and angry. guess at myself. but at that time i just wanted to take out my anger on anyone and everyone. (was also super irritated cos the resort had not sent anyone to repair the toilet light though i had called them b4 i went to sleep! n when i tried to call again after waking up, the stupid phone wasnt working so i thought it was spoilt n believe me, i was really SUPER IRRITATED with everything at that point) in retrospect.. i really have no one to blame but myself for being so last minute, being so forgetful and all. i really cant blame kamariah for being guai and not checking her phone during lesson ma! as for the toilet light n the phone, i went down to reception to make noise. the lady could see that i was pretty irritated. haha. the seemingly spoilt phone was caused they turned off ALL phones due to lightning in the area. sheesh. i was like... but wont the resort guests be puzzled and irritated when they want to use the phone but find it not working? the guy who explained to me was very apologetic, n that helped me calm down. i suggested to them that they put up a sign in future and he agreed. haha. it remains to be seen tho if they do anything about it ~shrugs~

so that was friday lunch period. inter region games from 3-4 pm, how sad region 1 was last :P but then, the bible says the last will be first n the first will be last. hehehehe. ok main thing is... cos of the shouting during cheering, my voice changed! :( BUT. it became back to normal again a few hours later :) Praise God! :) i guess it helped too that i kept drinking water hehe.

oh oh. and the world is small, bumped into joseph lum and his church at the resort! they were there for church camp too... how coincidental. i rmmr fri morning while going for breakfast with wailing, while in the lift, i was looking at this lady and vice versa. we found each other very farmiliar. but i just cldnt rmmr from where i knew her, until said, "yue hao认识你 hor?" cos i've been to his church on 2 occasions recently n met his mum b4, so she recognised me! hehe. so thats when i realised that she was lum's mother. haha! n i offically got to know his brother aaron. hahaha.

pastor alan's son, asher, is so so SO cute! and his birthday is today. hehe. today he turns 2! the terrible 2, or so pple say... cos kids at this age can relaly be a handful... or several handfuls... :D

to summarise, i had such a great time with jinfei, wailing, qinying, shuling, auntie and jian sheng (jinfei's p6 bro) at the camp. felt so comfortable, farmiliar, and at ease with them all. happily laughing talking telling lame jokes taking pictures etc etc. oh yes, not forgeting bowling. bow-ling. muahaha!

now to explain why i was sleep deprived on thurs when i went for church camp in malaysia. cos i didnt sleep the entire wed night! doing that SILLY play and motor skills development project ... and my poor boyboy had to put up with my tantrums and still encourage me patiently to finish it. i tell you, i wanted to give up and heck care it at several points lor. if not for me, his company throughout the night, as well as his help too... i dont know how i could ever have churched out that project. thank you so much deardear... :) ~beeeeg hug~

but guess what i just heard from my friend? apparently the teacher is going to minus 5 marks from all of us each cos the girl with the project came 1 hour late, cos she was stuck in a traffic jam. i dont know the exact details yet.. but u can be sure that i'm gonna get things clarified, whether the teacher means 5 out of 40 marks of a project's that 40% of our grade, and wht exactly caused the traffic jam that made my friend late, and if i think the teacher's being unreasonable to minus our marks through no fault of ours, u can be sure i'll do something about it.

KORKOR!!! where on earth are you.. .obviously u havent been reading my blog... bad bad... :P hehe. i need to know where u kept your ipod leh... hurry reply can? i'll be going to yunnan in 2 weeks time already leh! really wanna bring it with me when i go can... if not i'm gonna go buy one liaos... and how was les vegas? :)

just wanna share this english song with all of you! :)

You are not a god Created by human hands
You are not a god Dependant on any mortal man
You are not a god In need of anything we can give
By Your plan, that’s just the way it is

You are God alone, From before time began
You were on Your throne, Your are God alone
And right now In the good times and bad
You are on Your throne You are God alone

You’re the only God Whose power none can contend
You’re the only God Whose name and praise will never end
You’re the only God Who’s worthy of everything we can give
You are God And that’s just the way it is

Unchangeable... Unshakable..
Unstoppable ...That’s what You are


Anonymous said...

hmm seem like u all had a great fun at the church camp.hehe glad that u all have enjoyed it.hehe.miss u guys.if only i was at the camp too.....


anonym said...

"You’re the only God Who’s worthy of everything we can give"!!

Holy Spirit rawks!!!

Hey Jialing, really wanna thank God for your presence and your laughters and your photos and your time and your testi and your hype and your brain and your hip hop tee and everything.. God has used you so mightily indeed that is what Ps Moses has said =)

A clay in moulding process!

Thanks God tt this friendship is deepened during the journey..

Thanks Him for bringing the 5 kidudettes together whom had given me so much encouragement and ppl who we had hardly got the chance to talk to in the past..!

Jialing, don't get so worried about projects k, if u need any advice, jus holler me up! And I'll try my best to give you my best advice ya!

Haha. NP Rawks!

rivers27 said...

hee. no worries annie dear, i'm sure we'll have plenty of camps to attend tgt in future! hor? :)


God Rocks!

The Holy Trinity Rocks!

Friendship rocks! :)

we are all clay being moulded... oh yah dont forget to go read about samson and his story yah? in judges 13 - 16. hehe.

and.. pple we hardly spoke to in the past.. ? you mean... 'mel da pastor so' issit??? HAHA! :P