Sunday, May 27, 2007

spiritual warfare...

how important it is for us to guard, at all times, our minds and our hearts. our minds because that's where the devil attacks first; our minds cos its such a crucial battleground.

learnt from cousin today that both jinying and weiping have had a sense of something, they dont know what, but just something... which may have the power to stop the work we wanna do in yunnan. seen in this light, the lesson on the armour of God we learnt in cell some time back becomes all the more relevant.

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." Ephesians 6:12

just wanna highlight one particular piece of the 6 pieces of armour (belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, shoes fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace, shield of faith, helmet of salvation, and sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God). can u guess which piece of armour i'm gonna highlight? haha.

"In addtion to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish al the flaming arrows of the evil one." Ephesians 6:16

so yups... faith. a small word with a big meaning. about 3 weeks more to the yunnan mission trip... i really got to prepare myself spiritually!

today's pentecostal message was quite cool too. are you merely filled with the Holy Spirit, or are you full of the Holy Spirit?

and i'm very glad to get my hands on an english-chinese bible! coolness! :) hehe. all thanks to minmin who lent it to me :)

and i spoke to my korkor on msn today too :) but only for a short short while cos i had to rush off for service. heh. forgot to ask him one super important thing... kor, where did u keep your ipod??? if i cant find it i cant use it... and i wanna bring it to malaysia for church camp this thurs to sat leh... drop me a msg ok kor? :)

i have an important project to hand in on wed! (actually supposed to be friday but i'll be at church camp ma) it's like, 40% of my grade for that module. and guess what? i havent started on it yet! well done hor... muahaha. :P mai kan jeong...

my boyboy's going into army tomorrow :( i wont see him for a whole entire week!!!! :( really wish he cld go for the church camp too, but ah wells, God has planned everything out so we'll just wait and see what He has planned for our future! :) boyboy ah, take care ok? hope ur lectures aint too boring hehe... :) learn more interesing stuff then can use for ice breaker in cell group hehe.

Fidelia and Rixin will be back in singapore soon! :) fi first then rixin like a month later. heh. then my darling bro!!! :)

ok gotta sleep. my eye bags n dark circles aint getting any better, so sad! :X


Anonymous said...

Who's rachel?hehe qin ying's cousin ah? u have fay's blog?i only remembered urs n wai's blog.her blog too long.n wierd name also.wahah.


Ah Y said...

fei blog is

Rachel is our new cell group memeber, meiping got to noe her through e upcoming YEP trip. heehee.. Annie, come back soon huh.. have lots to update u!! :)

Jialing!! how can u not finish ur project.. haha.... jia you!! See ya in church camp.. u will not miss me cos we will be sticking together for e next couple of days!! haha!
