Friday, September 28, 2007

28 Sept 2007

i miss them a lot, suddenly, these days. maybe it's the rushing through of letters last night. as i wrote, it made me think - when would i get to see them again, if ever? and just now i thought to myself, why are they special and different from the other groups of people in my life? the answer i've arrived at for now is that towards them, i give so much less comparatively, yet ther response (if it is to be totally believed ) is unproportionately more... the brackets indicate some sense of cynicism in me i guess, the usual jadedness in an avergae person, because it seems somewhat unbelievable to me that they can miss me as much as they claim to in letters or in person. ok actually, that was in reference to 1 specific letter la.. cos it was very unexpectedly touching considering i never thought i was missed all along that much to that person as claimed in the letter. lol. and the human insecure side of me (i suppose) worries that i may eventually at some point care for them more than they care for me.

aiyah. a couple of jumbled up thoughts regarding all this in me which i find it difficult to isolate and sort out nicely to express out here in words. let's just leave it at this - i miss them.

maybe it's cos it's nice to be loved?

the other thing is, will these feelings interfere with the real reason as to why i should be going back. or perhaps these 2 are intricately linked (at least for me)

heart pain ah! my boyboy has neverending torrents of work to do, things to study, essays to write... so xin ku lor. really 不好玩 one. must sayang him more. he's soooo cute though. hehe.

rachel is cute too. she's so playful! so funny and really entertaining in her own way. the things she laughs at. hurhur. :)

shuling was in a denim skirt tonight!!!! wah blue moon lor. shushu looks nice in a skirt lor, should really wear skirt more often :) oh yes, she's cute too. :P

my cousin is cute as well! she's one of a kind. wonder how she and josie are doing over there with each other for company. birds of the same feather flock together. i'm sure it'll be an interesting experience for both of them :P

Blessed 28th birthday, Minmin! :)

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