Tuesday, September 25, 2007

let me rant..

about the silly unbearable disgustingly HOT and HUMID weather in the day... i prefer the night time anytime man. or please, send more clouds to block the sun... more wind too... the heat makes me too grouchy to do anything la! i just sit and fidgit and scratch and blergh

about growing older and more forgetful and more passive (LAZY) and taking less initiative! i forgot my mei's birthday. and my mei's mei as well. kexian and keying who are 20 and 19 respectively, whom i got to know in St Andrew's Cathedral which i attended when i was in jc... hais. i feel so... lousy big sister that i am. why have i become so lazy??? it just struck me that her birthday was yest, cocincidentally she shares the same bday as fang... the day which i spent the bulk of my time doing fang's card. and i dont take the initiative to ask pple out already mostly. somehow just bumming around mostly... bad steward of my time...

about all the things i should be doing and wanted to do and planned to do during the hols which seem to be slipping away faster then i imagined. i should get down to writing letters to my xiangbi kids and sorting out the photos to print for them! but its the stupid heat la, gets me too flustered and uncomfortable to do anything. excuses excuses... all the books that i should be reading... bible... school text.. all the things i should be sorting out and organizing.. my room... my wardrobe! i just keep procrastinating cos i dont feel like doing! lazy bag of bones la.

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