Thursday, December 13, 2007

slip sleep slip

it's very bad, the way i morph from baby to normal to baby again. really a baby.. i really have quite lousy ______. can't believe how i let myself wallow in ______... so unhealthy. it's not helping me that's for sure. i dont want a third time!

anyway, it's amazing that its 3.51 am and i'm still in the kind of non sleepy state that i seem to be in for quite a few days already.. is that what stress does to you? i slept ard 330 am last night too and woke up 3.5 hours later... went to school my classmate said didnt look like i slept so late/little.. cos i'm just in that constant state... i never knew i could last on so little sleep yet be not tired physically it appears... there's something wrong with my brain man.

on another note, some people have been sweet and conforting. thank you :)


Anonymous said...

mayb u ar stress sub-consciously.. go exercise more.. mayb u will be able to sleep better :)
Won;t have _____ for e third time!! remember we are wif u leh!!

Anonymous said...

opss. forget my name again..
ah-y lar.. who else..

Anonymous said...

wah-wah... looking forward to read your new post soon... *miss u*
