Saturday, July 5, 2008


i wish i had more time, so i can vomit out everything thats bubbling inside me waiting to be expressed... heh. but time is prescious; of the essence. i know i need to rest more, but dont ask me why my body clock is so cranky... take last night for example, i reached home at ard 12, and was pretty awake so was doing stuff, and slept at ard 2 am. and a few hours later, i AUTOMATICALLY awoke at ard 6 plus. so yes. it's not my fault if i doze off in church or in class.. i really have no inkling why i ca survive the days with so little sleep. but. it's not good. it's been going on for weeks now..
anyhow, yesterday was great :) playing farmiliar band favourites, like phantom of the opera, oregon (!!!), etc... a pity didnt try highlights from chess cos the scores werený complete. and yest being the first rwinds prac of the year, there was games to erm, encourage bonding (ok la i think it did help me get to know more pple and just feel more comfortable.. i realised that xh's brother is such a joker, and his batch is quite friendly and nice. SHUEN!!! where art thou.. i wish u were in singapore and playing for rwinds too... :( not forgetting Cadenza on the 19th, 3 pm at singapore conference hall. it's really strange that for once, cadenza is on a sat AFTERNOON - queer. if u were here, i know u would play! it's sad how our batch is so terribly un-enthu... for now there's only xh and myself. we're playing beauty and the beast! a nice and simple piece that's nontheless pleasing on the ears.

so yes. i shall not advertise for it or ask pple to come cos really, there isnt a need to... alumni only guest playing 1 item after all.

as i was saying before i digressed... yest was girl's night chilling out after rwinds prac, games and delicious catered food (practically all cleaned out lol.. and i didnt get to try an eclairs!!! haha). RG mini batch gathering.. 6 of us there. let the pictures do the talking. suffice to say, it was just really really nice... :) and i certainly hope the 31st dec new year eve's batch thingy does come to pass.

we are the clique that formed because we were clique-less... lol... in shuen's words, we were the loner's club. now if only we could photoshop shuen in or something. i wonder when the 4 of us will get to meet up... don't we all look so beautiful? tee hee hee. next up, pics from rwinds prac :)


but unfortunately, jacjac's head is being obscured... so here's a close up of her lovely face :)

jacjac and me~! :)

9 of us in different colours/shades... pretty! may the turnout from our batch always be this good or BETTER :)
triple dating at settlers :) fun fun fun! tho it was a putoff having to sit outside - hot la! no air con leh.. but it was quite alright in the end. i was pretty high... as usual. and it was very funny playing the various games. like the voting one - which person was definitely NOT a teacher's pet and was sen to detention the most times... our answer was pretty unanimous. LOL.
long live friendship! :) this is so special :)
us and our other halves... :)
on friday, late lunch appointment with rixin :) that funky girl is going to india for missions on the 23rd this month! and staying there for many months.. wow.. but unfortunately that means can't play in rwinds for CODA this year with her. ah wells!we started off our meals with... donuts from J.Co of all things. shared 3 only and already felt pretty full.. still had 3 more to go! oh but they were good. just that really sinful as well :P
my lobster spaghetti from V8! sadly, no 20% off cos it's a promo item.. they should have stated so explicitly lor, so misleading. in which case i would have probably chosen the black pepper sirloin. heh. i'm a very meaty person!

i really like the ambience and decor in V8... there's attention paid to details, though why on earth they have so many tv sets built into the walls boggles my mind. - waste $$$. waste electricity, killing the earth!!! hurhur. look, both of us were so green that day... :)
Last but certainly not the least... happy brithday ah-y! u are muchly missed in sing-a-pore... i still rmmr how fun it was celebrating ur bday with u last year :) doing ur bday card, and wrapping ur present in *interesting boxes with tasks for u to do as u peel off each layer of wrapper :D
And... TWW!!! Happy Happy 22nd birthday babe :) am very honoured that i got to spend pat of ur special day with u.. watching u eat ur yellow noodle laksa muahaha. this time round, got to see u many more times and so in a way, made up for only seeing u once in jac/feb. hee. take care ya, and gambatte for your final year!!! 你行的 :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

heyyy! a very happening entry!! may i have e permission to cop ur photos! :D