Wednesday, September 24, 2008

back home in spore.. 3 weeks feels like it has zoomed past me.. now my mind keeps entertaining thoughts of going back, for purely playful reasons. flip the papers and my glance immediately goes to airfare to america. lol. ah wells.. yet.. if i do have the time to travel, in the near future i guess it wouldnt be to there again. after all, i havent been to yunnan in a while. thats one place i definitely wanna go back to.. and there's still australia.. perth n melbourne.. maybe will go perth with my family one day? i just dont know when now. but yes, my dad is right when he says my mom needs a break - she's been working all her life for goodness sake! and she hasnt been in good health these couple of months.. always falling sick..

anyway, yest was a highly, erm, entertainingly fun n special day :) i was honoured to have been able to spend it with her, and to share in those special 'amazing-race-ish' moments.. and i'm glad the gift came at a right time. and i'm glad too that my bouquet-making skills have been proven to be able to handle that new challenge.. :)

basking in the aftermath of having had a heart-to-heart chat with a special new friend.. never dared to imagine that we would be able to talk so much and share so openly.. :) hearing her describe how she was beaming as she read my letter in the office and colleagues teased her asking if it's from a guy, and that she asked for my hp number saying that she could call me at times too... felt happy :) friendship IS a 2-way street ya. u may wanna befriend someone but that person may not exactly want to have that kind of friendship with you. in any case, she's this capable, independent, pretty, and friendly big sister to me.. and i pray that God will watch over this friendship and help the friendship seeds that have been sown to eventually bloom despite the distance... (think 10000+ miles by plane lol) and maybe one day i can share about my heavenly papa to her? hee.

i didnt realise 24th sept was so many pple's birthday.. this period of time is birthday season man! LOL.

ok no link to all the above, but i resolve to manage my finances better and to try my very best to keep unnecessary spending at bay and to SAVE $$$! (only then can i self-sponsor hol trips like what many of my peers do. hehe)

despite that.. i am hoping to buy a UMPC (ultra-mobile PC) and a new camera! so have been asking ard, checking out the prices and all.. a umpc would be so handy to bring to sch, bring out n ard n all.. maybe i can ask for that for erm, my 22nd bday present? HEE. as for a new cam.. wells my appearance-wise battle-battered 3 year old konika minolta is still functioning but.. i wanna get something with better features.. so wells, i'll save $$$ first then see how.. currenty eyeing nikon coolpix s550.. ard $350 at PS Best. me wants greater optical zoom (more than the usual 3x) and 28mm wide angle view if possible!

so many wants i have. hurhur.

2.5 weeks left to start of school! does anyone wanna meet up?? :)


Anonymous said...

Yo babe!

I totally agree with you that deep conversation is one of the pillar in friendship!

like what you say, "friendship IS a 2-way street ya. u may wanna befriend someone but that person may not exactly want to have that kind of friendship with you."

I also believe that there is this thing called, Chemistry (not physics, haha, ahem..). In our lives, there are many people cross our paths, however, not all will become first degree friends.

When 2 people have chemistry, no matter how long they have not met, when they meet up again, there will still be endless heart-to-heart conversations. And this kinda conversation won't be a kind whereby one or another always has to make effort to come up with topics to talk about. Chemistry is when both could just talk about they think freely, not thinking that the other having judgments and the other is interested to listen and slow to pass instructions. I think there are different stages happening in a conversation - updates, pure statement which doesn't require an answer, debating etc.

Oh, I am so lengthy there. But I think it's fantastic to see u blogging again! Continue the goot work with the photos dudette!

See my blog..

Anonymous said...

Nice time KTV-ing with you peeps.