Thursday, November 27, 2008

3 assignments down this week..

if i had the chinese function, i would type this - yao4 le4 wo3 de4 ming4!

i think my life span will be shortened la at this rate..

more weeks of sleepless nights chionging projects to come?

spare me..

and no time for dance too. SAD. VERY.

growing fat cos eat and eat and eat & no time to exercise...

the rational goes like this - life is already so tough, just let me EAT what i want la.. it's the only cheer in a sad sad busy stressed life

ok la i'm exagerating. i've got lots to thank God for. and yesterday was thanksgiving too ya.

but seriously. for the life of me. i cant figure out how come it's my 4th term already and instead of getting better it's getting worse.. this term is.. horrendous. actually it can be attributed to the sharp increase in workload. at least, thats what i feel.

cant rmmr if i got more sleep in JC last time..

or maybe i'm just old n cant survive with that little sleep already..

Monday, November 24, 2008

la di da dee dum..~

DOROTHY STEPHANIE NG requested to see her name here. so i shall be the obliging nice wonderful friend that i am. see dot! your wish is my command!

(next to me, she sighs and shakes her head in mock frustration) LOL :D

oh, yest jacjac cheekily asked if got her photo when i told her i just uploaded photos to facebook. Cos had 2 major events recently in some sense... Red Camp (which took up a LARGE part of the past week.. whole tues afternoon of practising, then afternoon shift on wed and morn for thurs n fri. somehow, all that coupled with the various learning work AND THE ENDLESS DATELINES of projects n assignments hot on my heels meaning many project meetings too... the end result is one VERY VERY SLEEP DEPRIVED cling. hais. you only need to look at my dark circles and GIGANTIC eye bags to see the extent of my sleep debts... )

am in lect now.. lects are a good time to blog. cos otherwise though i may have things to blog abt, just dont have the time.. a lot of things, some big some little demanding my time.. what's worse is when i 'respond' by slacking and nuaing...

lect is unofficially over.. though we are supposed to discuss some stuff in our small groups.

dont feel like blogging liaos. maybe later, during IT lesson or something...

1 last thing though. My N81 8GB is supposedly ready for collection at Parkwat already! hurrah hurrah!! :D:D:D:D:D

(the person attending to me when i brought it in for repairs after service on sunday enlightened me abt a lot all the cool stuff my hp can do! woohoo~ ",)

Saturday, November 15, 2008


jialing. stop. slacking.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

my 'fave' junior.. lol. so nice of her to help me buy pepsi.. saved me $1! :)
my outfit that sat can hardly be considered 'sexy', now can it? i dress modestly one lor!

Shun Ting! who is getting married in less than 2 weeks! wheeee.... got wedding to attend :)
now to STOP SNACKING so that i will be able to fit into my dress!

dotdot n me.

amy, evie and me!
at amir's house celebrating hari raya.. happy birthday to shifeng!

the caterpiller i just made in today's IT lesson using photoshop! muahaha!

Monday, November 10, 2008

using my laptop now in lecture.. teeeheee >_<

had a whale of a time yest at Ms Lamb's house. ok actually, the whale of the time part really came towards the end of our "quality time" together, and was very unintended actually - it came about because we JUST MISSED the LRT at Tongkang... and so had to wait another 10 mins for the train to come.. when actually it would have been a mere 2 LRT stops walk to Sengkang, but now we not only had to wait for the LRT, we also had to sit on it for the rest of the ard 5 stops cos the LRT is a loop service.

SO, i was whining away that we should have walked! or we should walk! cos waste time.. walk can exercise concurrently ma :)

anyway, Ms LAmb started becoming very lame, asking me all sorts of non-sensical questions and asking me to question her back with those questions. unfortunately, i can only rmmr this one now.

what if you wanted to buy green tea and you realised the colour is PINK? would u still buy it?

so just to ying4 chou2 her, i replied, i wont, because food colouring/additives is bad.

and because she wanted me to ask her back,i did.

and she said... she will because it's ROSE GREEN TEA. diao.
(please fill in the '3 fingers down the face' motion at this juncture..)

that was prob the most unfunny one of all the weird questions she asked actually. oh wait. i rmmr 1 more. the first one she asked.

Ms LAmb: What would you do if you woke and found that you were bald?

ME: errr... i will go shopping for wigs.

Ms Lamb: Ask me back ask me back!

ME: ok ok, what would you do?

Ms Lamb: hahahaa... i will think i am dreaming and go back to sleep, and sleep and sleep until all my hair grows back!

well done. i was speechless. wow she was merrily laughing away.

and then later in the LRT, we were snapping away at ourselves (no we ain't doggies k, JJ(s) and Bibi(s) and Spann(ies) we most certainly are NOT ) with our phone cam. ok we were using my phone cam at first. and making rather a din snapping away and laughing and taking funny photos.. somehow for some unknown strange reason MsLamb was reeeeeeally high. (must be miss my presence too much liaos... haha!)

ok so that was that. it was like 7 plus at that time, i thought i would reach home at 9pm. cos if take mrt home, the north east line from sengkang to kem is SUPER long. we went to Popular tgt first, cos i needed to get materials for my lesson the next day. and. AND. AND.

i ended up buying about $105 worth of things. LOL.

b4 you holler at jialing for spending so much $$$ again, WAIT let me clarify. i bought USEFUL STUFF ok! :D and the bulk of my purchases actually came from buying something very useful. hehehee. a laminator and laminating paper! muahahhaa... my new toy ;)

wonder if i can claim $$$ from my parents? lol.

so we finally finished buying everything at... *gasp* close to 9 pm. and i was like carrying tonnes of stuff la. WEll done JIALING! can expect to reach home at 10 pm plus liaos. and having so much stuff to lug as well... very SIAN DIAO can!

thus i was commenting to Ms Lamb that if only i was the type of girl that got a lot of guys zui1 qiu2, i would just browse thru my hp phonebk and randomly call 1 and get the person to chauffeur me home... MUAHAHAAA. unfortunately i'm not. *needle pricks into my fantasy bubble*

alternatively, if i were the type of person who had such a wide social network of friends.. not acquaintances k, FRIENDS. and friends who have cars at their disposals and who have driving licneses. whom i can call up like this out of the blue and wheedle them into giving me a lift home :)

BUT i'm not. heh. so i concluded that i dont have enough friends.


just kidding ok. i dont think i'm so superficial. to want friends so that they can chauffeur me around. but of cos, to have would be a bonus. tee heee hee.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

just had my field supervisor supervise me conducting my first language arts lesson in the child care center today. lots of things (really LOTS )to improve on and to work on, but generally... am encouraged for that little bit of acknowledgement of my effort put in and the small nugget of praise. i really spent many days agonising about the ideas for that 1 single lesson plan.. in real life, NO ONE would really agonise for days on end lor. got so much time and energy MEH. hahahaa, singlish!

ok lesson time. to be contd.

p/s: maybe to be contd will be a common sight in my blogs in future. lol.

Monday, November 3, 2008

wow. didnt realise i hadnt been updating for almost a month. it's IT class now, we're watching some video and i'm.. interacting with my new lappy. the cool Fujitsu Lifebook s6520 :)

it's been an eventful couple of weeks. met up with a couple of people i hadnt seen in ages. celebrated the passing of into another year, another coming of age rites of passage, which left me with several after thoughts about... nv, next time when it's more appropriate. was very happy at the unexpected surprise escort (felt like an empress, really. pleasure all mine :D ) and contrary to what might be popular belief, i wasnt feeling paiseh at all. blindfolded ma, cant see anything, people's reactions/expressions, pai what seh... lol.

got to know some people better, added cement to a dearly held friendship (your casual acknowledgement that we are indeed best friends, at least at that point, the significance of having u say that made my day ((: ) amuses me at how whoever saw me doing your present immediately guessed that it was for ws..

ok gotta run. got lecture activity... 3%.

to be contd'