Thursday, November 27, 2008

3 assignments down this week..

if i had the chinese function, i would type this - yao4 le4 wo3 de4 ming4!

i think my life span will be shortened la at this rate..

more weeks of sleepless nights chionging projects to come?

spare me..

and no time for dance too. SAD. VERY.

growing fat cos eat and eat and eat & no time to exercise...

the rational goes like this - life is already so tough, just let me EAT what i want la.. it's the only cheer in a sad sad busy stressed life

ok la i'm exagerating. i've got lots to thank God for. and yesterday was thanksgiving too ya.

but seriously. for the life of me. i cant figure out how come it's my 4th term already and instead of getting better it's getting worse.. this term is.. horrendous. actually it can be attributed to the sharp increase in workload. at least, thats what i feel.

cant rmmr if i got more sleep in JC last time..

or maybe i'm just old n cant survive with that little sleep already..

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