Monday, November 24, 2008

la di da dee dum..~

DOROTHY STEPHANIE NG requested to see her name here. so i shall be the obliging nice wonderful friend that i am. see dot! your wish is my command!

(next to me, she sighs and shakes her head in mock frustration) LOL :D

oh, yest jacjac cheekily asked if got her photo when i told her i just uploaded photos to facebook. Cos had 2 major events recently in some sense... Red Camp (which took up a LARGE part of the past week.. whole tues afternoon of practising, then afternoon shift on wed and morn for thurs n fri. somehow, all that coupled with the various learning work AND THE ENDLESS DATELINES of projects n assignments hot on my heels meaning many project meetings too... the end result is one VERY VERY SLEEP DEPRIVED cling. hais. you only need to look at my dark circles and GIGANTIC eye bags to see the extent of my sleep debts... )

am in lect now.. lects are a good time to blog. cos otherwise though i may have things to blog abt, just dont have the time.. a lot of things, some big some little demanding my time.. what's worse is when i 'respond' by slacking and nuaing...

lect is unofficially over.. though we are supposed to discuss some stuff in our small groups.

dont feel like blogging liaos. maybe later, during IT lesson or something...

1 last thing though. My N81 8GB is supposedly ready for collection at Parkwat already! hurrah hurrah!! :D:D:D:D:D

(the person attending to me when i brought it in for repairs after service on sunday enlightened me abt a lot all the cool stuff my hp can do! woohoo~ ",)

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