Thursday, December 11, 2008

anyway, so that was a rant about school.. got lots more to rant about.. maybe another time. it's 8.24 pm on a thurs night and i am sitting alone in canteen 1. dot went home first cos i wanted to linger and use sch electricity as i blog etc.

today, i brought my $9.90 kettle jug to school! The jug that i bought at Courts Tampines Megastore at half price, that i queued for half an hour to buy tgt with my new toy, my Casio Exlim 10.1 megapix cam :) am pleased with it despite song wee revealing that Casio has the highest digital noise. haha. anyway, philip (Child Health n Nutrition lecturer, our only male lecturer ahahaha) commented that it shoots very clear videos! cos we happily showed him the video we made for our ITA assignment.. we showed it to another lecturer today too, ahahha. am rather proud of it tho of cos, if we had more time had been more efficient etc it could have been more professional and nicer.. the audio part esp.. the sound recordings at some parts really make me wanna cringe. haha. what to do, working with limited time is like that.

the ITA video has caused calista's 'gang' to howl "AH BOYYYYYY!! ah boyyy dont go!!!" whenever they see her.. not forgetting "ARMY ENLISTMENT?? stay home and be a mummy's boy!" lol. hilarious. i like the video of dot and evie a lot.. think it's very funny.. the nuances of their expressions and all.. neer fails to tickle me :P

i realise i keep on and on about school! this is bad. my life does NOT just revolve around school... although these past few weeks has really been about school school and more school stuff.. hais.

last day of sch tmr b4 our 3 week break! but it's not gonna be a very relaxing break cos still got sch work to do.. my math learning corner to set up especially.. sigh.. suck my bloood again.. dunno how i'll urvive as a teacher next time when i take ages to do lesson plans and put my thoughts together, and even to come up with creative ways to teach the content. HMM.

oh, and i'll be working part time too.. at chiltern house! tho it'll be tiring, i'll look forward to the income ($$$ is always welcome! Have been splurging man. on food and all. cos when life is stressful.. must pamper oneself to make things more bearable ma!) and to seeing what things are like there now that i've been in sch for almost 2 years.. observe how they teach, the things they do.. hee :)

listening to my jay hou cd now that xh n lum gave me as my bday present. speaking of which.. i am sad becos altho i had the most wonderful bday celebration with my beloved S8 gals this year on the eve of my 22nd.. but.. it has left me SCARRED FOR LIFE. *sniff sniff* it's so ugly.. boo hoo.. the scar left from hitting my shin on the bus as i tried to board it while being blindfolded... sad.. ah wells. Ivan, the crazy little boy-man (33 years old, married with 2 kids, i diagnose him with ADHD. lol. refer to pict below. he's my RWinds sectionmate :) but he makes pracs fun. he's hilarious man. )

he sends the most scandalous sounding smses too. when i have the time i'll type some out here. ahahhaa.

anyway as i was saying, this Ivan fellow is actually a doctor. in the geriatrics (elderly pple) in CGH. i asked him abt that scar yest, he said the lump there is prob cos got scar tissue underneath.. and that it's prob permanent. AHHHHHHHHH

hahaha. ok nvm.

i am also sad that i cant go turkey. ok actually not really sad sad la.. but it IS a pity that finally my uncle is bringing his family to Turkey and he wanted to bring me but i can't.. cos my baobao will be back and cos of RWinds.. i have been bugging him to bring me on a holiday for a while liaos.. now that it has materialised, i've gotta give it a miss, so, ya quite a pity. then now, apparently cos he bought air tic for my bro, my bro will be going too... makes me wish even more that i can go.. cos i havent been on a hol with my bro in very long.. i miss all those times when my bro brought me on trips.. and what's more it's to such an exciting place this time leh, turkey. TURKEY. woah... ah wells. it would have been so much fun getting to go with my cousins and my bro and my uncle.. ok basically, my uncle's family and my bro...

alright, that's that, WS says he'll buy me turkey when he comes back to compensate me. ahahah. Subway turkey sandwich. lol. foot long! 6 inches for me, 6 inches for him :)

shu en is back! it was GREAT spontaneosly staying over at her place on mon night last week... :) bought a $3 hot pink t shirt to wear to school the next day ahaha. got my bday present from her at long last, and got my xmas present in advance. lol. which reminds me, i gotta start on my Xmas cards! this year's Xmas is gonna be totally different from last year's... :)


-fi- said...

hello dear i got your sms, thankew! HANG IN THERE with school work!!

yupp i'm enjoying myself loads, everything's great so far :) i'm happy :D yu take care ok, meet up when i get back! love!

Anonymous said...

Scarred for this life only mah!! It will not be for eternity.. just think of this beautiful concept.. heh heh.