Thursday, April 30, 2009

last night had all the makings of a good night, a relaxing one, a nice memory reminiscent of times in the past..

had a sinfully yummy dinner with relatives at Long Beach at East Coast, indulged in seafood and exploded my calorie limit for probably 2-3 days, was so darn full! but oh, finally got my chilli crab and fried mantou craving settled after such a loooong time :D had black pepper crabs too, and ate a few prawns and enjoyed them! cos normally i'm not that into prawns. somehow the gravy they were cooked in was really good. different, special. then there was of course the chark's fin soup and sea bass and fried chicken and vege and carbs and the desert - yam paste!

one of the best parts was sitting next to my cousin in law Cheryl and talking to her throughout dinner... and also chatted a lil with Ivan, my cousin who's 21st birthday just passed! oops :X prob the first time i exchanged so many words with him. haha. hope all these cousinly relations will continue to deepen with each gathering :)

so ok initially one fantastic dinner was an o-kay thing, just need to make sure i dun overeat the next few days and exercise and alll....

went home and chatted on the phone for a few hours to a few friends. :) that was another best part. somehow in recent years i dont chat ont the phone with friends that much, though i rmmr doing so in like sec sch days? so it felt quite nice.

and after that cos i wasnt sleepy yet i decided to work on the newsletter since after all there was a dateline to meet. so did that till like 2 plus am?

should have gone to bed after that and i wouldnt be feeling guilty now.

ended up sleeping close to 4am watching Healing Hands 3 the HK serial and... no prizes for guessing what i was doing as i watched. rationalised to myself that it's ok, after trying to control for a week one slip up is ok!

it continued when i woke up today at 12 plus pm though.

feeling bloated now from all the junk.

i asked for it, didnt i?

need to start doing my assignments... but feeling lazy.... Help me Lord!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

so gone is my bro, off in the skies... heading for perth, lucky duck he gets to see my uncle's house there! wonder when my turn will come... ~muses~

anyway, i just HAD to blog about this. those who've been in contact with me will know my current preoccupation with food. apart from my perpetual struggle with it (think jialing the glutton), i've also been asking all my gfs quite often, simply out of pure curiosity, how much or what they eat, be it breakfast/lunch etc. the 'results' of this informal survey also served to highlight to me the extent of my gluttony. and further confirmed what a HUGE appetite i have.

and i realised from my dinner conversation with my parents that i really prob got this from my MUM. => she told my dad and i about what she ate for breakfast this morn, and get this, she practically finished the WHOLE LOAF of gardenia banana walnut bread! only 2 slices left! and each slice is 125 calories. assuming she ate 8 slices, that means she ate 1000 calories for breakfast... hahahaa.. and guess what, i'm not surprised cos i know i can eat so much too, if i allow myself to that is... which i most certainly MUST NOT do.. at least not during this period of time :P
at canteen 2 on a wed evening waiting for dotdot to finish showering in the gym to go home together. my laptop says it's 6.39pm. so i'll get home at.. ard 8pm? wonder how much i'll eat for dinner tonight. lol. i shall sleep earlier today! i think 7 hours + is not enough for me... jialing the weird girl who needs to sleep A LOT to function properly and who perspires like a mad cow just standing outside church prayer room before cell group yest night talking to fang. fang who self professes to perspire a lot too. that means... I WIN. NOBODY else has as active sweat glands as me lor! i walked from aljunied mrt to church and met sally, wailing, jasmine at kopitiam, n they were like... wah, u went jogging ah? so yes. that's the extent of my hyperactive sweat glands.

weihan is done with his gyming session! only dot left showering upstairs in the gym hahaha :)

today was the first time a gym person approached me and told me my gym towel was too small and i have to use a bath size towel if i wanna continue gyming. thankfully i was alr done with my gyming session for the day hahahaa.

i think i have a very rigid mind. how to think of creative ideas for teaching children using interesting activities liddat? hmmmm... now in school, learning things like curriculum goals for the 6 domains and learning outcomes.. feel kinda stuck dunno how to think up good ones. well well, we'll see how things go!

less than a month till weisiong returns for good from his studies.. will i be able to lose the weight i've gained by then? ;) hahahaha

my bro left today with his .... for his 2 months grad trip... wish i could join them... miss those times when i got to tag along on my bro's trips :(

more to say, but next time ba! cos dot has arrived ;)

Monday, April 20, 2009

as the clock ticks away, the last few mins of my first day of school is coming to an end..

can't believe it's the first day of school again! it's an interesting feeling. 7-8 weeks of hols over just like that, and la-di-dah, my greatest accomplishments? being anti-social watching many hk serials at home and growing FAT. lol. yes my words are flooded with sarcasm at myself. oh wells, i asked for it, i brought this 'fate' upon myself! ~shrugs~

haven't done many of the things i set out to do...

but anyway on a happier note, the last week of hols was actually pretty memorable and busy/eventful after a rather boring hols.

anyway for this new sem, i resolve not to
1. be last minute for assignments
2. be late for lessons
3. take taxi

those who know me know how adverse i am to taking taxi; i can't believe how many times i took taxi last sem due to my last minuteness with projects n assignments! more times than in a few years i think.

i should try to sleep earlier too... dark circles and eye bags go away.