Wednesday, April 29, 2009

so gone is my bro, off in the skies... heading for perth, lucky duck he gets to see my uncle's house there! wonder when my turn will come... ~muses~

anyway, i just HAD to blog about this. those who've been in contact with me will know my current preoccupation with food. apart from my perpetual struggle with it (think jialing the glutton), i've also been asking all my gfs quite often, simply out of pure curiosity, how much or what they eat, be it breakfast/lunch etc. the 'results' of this informal survey also served to highlight to me the extent of my gluttony. and further confirmed what a HUGE appetite i have.

and i realised from my dinner conversation with my parents that i really prob got this from my MUM. => she told my dad and i about what she ate for breakfast this morn, and get this, she practically finished the WHOLE LOAF of gardenia banana walnut bread! only 2 slices left! and each slice is 125 calories. assuming she ate 8 slices, that means she ate 1000 calories for breakfast... hahahaa.. and guess what, i'm not surprised cos i know i can eat so much too, if i allow myself to that is... which i most certainly MUST NOT do.. at least not during this period of time :P

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