Wednesday, May 19, 2010

realised i havent blogged in a few weeks. been too busy/sleep-deprived (what's new)/ tired to have time for anything.

it's soooo nice to have the children's nap time (1.30-3pm) free for once without having to leave the centre for some thing or other. not that i stayed in today, i went out to run errands. lol. i.e, buy food (been eating non-stop round the clock these days... a disturbing trend) and to collect my stuff from the locker. Thank God the school didnt throw them away! can heave a big sigh of relief. muahaha.

i'll be glad to have time for myself when i stop work come end of this month. somehow, all my committments are all this time period.. total clash. makes for one tired chia ling. ah wells. all the same, i WILL miss my kids.. the senior toddlers in particular. not that they wun remember me anymore when i leave, but though i'll still come by from time to time to visit, i know it won't be the same, we won't be as close anymore.. which is natural i know. sigh, ironies of life. goes to show sometimes u just cant have your cake and eat it.

they're all blissfully asleep now.. look like such serene angels. being with them makes me wonder what i was like as a 2+, 3 year old kid.. did i cry a lot? over every small matter? how articulate was i? did i snatch toys? bite people? hit others? hahaha... it's quite hilarious and actually pretty unimaginable to picture me and say... my jc classmates as 3 years old in preschool tgt. jc cos that was co-ed, like in preschool, while sec sch was single sex. so different dynamics also.

had what was probably my most successful, or rather, most satisfying lesson with this age group. 7 kids, happy face group were with me today... we did square and triangle-shaped sponge printing. it felt good :) everything went quite smoothly.. and they seem to have a much better grasp of the concept after these past couple days of shape-ish activities. i really wanna do more, make some learning corner activities for them and all but.. just lack the time and energy. what a bummer.

this weekend marks the conclusion of most of the stuff i've been preparing for/ busy with. RWinds perf during RI band concert tmr night (Chess and Selections from UP, our last prac was totally hilarious with many good laughs.. ahahaha), Ms Michelle's wedding on Sat and MayKTV, then THE graduation ceremony... hmmm. all the training sessions for the speech and all, the sacifice of my locks... i kinda wish i could invite friends to come, but i guess they're all working now and doesnt make sense for them to take leave to come. if only ws could come... silly N***. GrRrrRRRR. cause my boy to be overworked and sleep-deprived. *Roar* happy though that zhiyang and shengrong can come. a bit paiseh though asking people to come.. so if u happen to see this and dun mind wasting your mon morning on 24th, 9am-12 at ngee ann convention centre to attend my grad ceremony, let me know k? :)

k, kids are waking up... gtg. ciao! :)

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