Tuesday, April 27, 2010


it irks me no end how half the time i cant access facebook when at home. either it has a mind of its own and is being temperamental, or... it doesnt like me. somehow.

which means, i cant upload photos as and when i want to. which is uber irritating. it means i cant put up photos of Kelly's Baby Joseph's month-old celebration with WS's CMU cell grp peeps (ah happy times!), or photos of Prom. and prom was like... almost a month ago!! GRrrrrRrR. not my fault k.. blame facebook. hurhur.

its also highly irritating how i'm perpetually sleep deprived, but somehow always end up sleeping after 12.30 am 85% of the time, cos somehow after showering and all.. i become alert and not tired. and the irritating bit is compounded by how i keep waking up waaaaay before the alarm that i set!!!!

case in point: i went to bed at 2am-ish last night, set alarm for 7am, but awoke at 530! like.. what the heck! rested in bed till 6 then decided to make better use of time.

so i am now highly sleep-deprived... i am so sleep deprived that i am tired of mentioning it. it's like.. chronic sleep deprivation. i really need the discipline to SLEEP MORE. Jesus, help me please!

had a great meet-up with dear fifididilooloo in lieu of her bday on Mon. wish i hadnt left the house in such a rush and forgotten to bring candles + lighter! fifi thus ended up with... a bday banana courtesy of funky starbucks staff at raffles city instead of a candle lit apple crumble cheesecake.

and and! it was hilarious when fifi tasted my green tea cream frap and conceded that it was actually quite decent! ahahahha... had a very entertaining time with her.. with me laughing away half the time like a hyena... muahahah... just like old times :) oh man CAN"T WAIT for weiwei to be back! it's amazing when u look back and realise that she's been away for... almost 8 years! oh myyYYYYy....

vandals are another source of irritation. people who maliciously PUNCTURE BICYCLE WHEELS should be caught and... have their fingers broken. ok ok kidding la. but u get my point.. they should be dealt with sternly... such a malicious and mean nature should NOT be allowed to go unchecked! who knows what that meanie-mo will 'upgrade' to next lor

things that crop up unexpectedly and just fill up your schedule and deprive you of free time/ chill time aka much needed rest-time also cause twinges of annoyance.. but what to do...


let me just end of by saying i love my s11 girls! awesome cell group friends :) it was a great session today... was very encouraging how we all prayed tgt. May Jesus continue to continue to move in our midst and stir us up :)

"contentment with godliness is great gain"


1 comment:

-fi- said...

wheee it was mighty good and fun to meet up indeed! :D
-hugs- :D