Monday, August 16, 2010

Money money money....

just bought netbook... After months and months of thinking how nice it would be to have one, I finally went and got one. A samsung one. Haha,a lot of affinity with samsung this month eh, what with first the new samsung hp and now this. Hoping it'll will really be as useful and convenient as I am assuming it will be so that it's really worth the money spent. Actually been wanting to get a leave-at-home external hard disk drive too to double back up certain things, cos I realise all my photos take up a lot of space in the current fujitsu lappy and the existing portable hard disk drive. Saw a 1.5TB buffalo one just now at funan, $159. Was seriously considering getting it, but that would make two expensive purchases in one day so.. Guess I'll kiv it...

Saw one of my fave kids and his mum and sis today, happy! Haven't seen him in so long.. They were going to makan place for breakfast haha. Special exception I'm guessing as it's his first day back to school after a long break. Asked him what he's going to eat and he replied "Milo and bread!" And he obliged my request for a kiss too ;) man, really miss him and all the other kids too...
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