Monday, July 9, 2007

i really need God's peace now man. first thing waking up in the morning already felt very unsettled, some funny feeling in me, like a bit disturbed liddat. maybe cos think of the project then sian... plus realise not much time left so really got to buck up! and also. had a queer dream. actually not v queer la.. just that.. the setting was kinda strange.

i was apparently at some resort or hotel or something, room mate was my cousin, and it was gonna be check out time soon and i was just packing my stuff. and there was a lot of stuff, weird little random items here and then to be packed. and halfway thru as i packed the next occupants of the room arrived and stood at the door watching me pack as they waited. and i was just trying to pack everything properly cos got so mnay things all over the place.

something liddat la. anyway it left me feeling unsettled.

plus cos feeling very tired.. dont wanna wake up. really just wanna continue sleeping. had to force myself out of bed and turned on the lights. and had the brainwave of calling my boyboy. after talking to him, felt better, and at least more awake too. so yups. heh.

just had a big breakfast of VEG, bee hoon, a bowl of expensive stuff, and now eating fruits and drinking pu erh cha, then still got my soya bean in the fridge! my mum was just emphasizing again how i must drink at least 2 cups of soya milk a day. for my required calcium intake ma... (fishy stop laughing! u need calcium too lor. :D )

today's fast is from 8 - 4.. jiayou fish! jiayou doorbell! we can overcome that hunger man. actually yest quite cool, intended 7 hour fast stretched to 12 hour fast, goldfish n i were RAVENOUS when we finally ate dinner. we basically ATTACKED our 菜饭. and she the small stomach girl actually finished her food before me lor! ME leh. and her leh. woah. she must have been starving. (haha ok yes i know she was actually. we were both starving in jason's house. heh. where our wondeful host had not enough water to satisfy me. hahaha)

AND. wah.. they were looking at golden concubine's yunnan photos on facebook.. i wanted to see the photos too.. but was trying to do that silly project.. wonder when i'll have time to go and figure out that facebook n upload photos there. hur hur.

i really like the lyrics of You Alone...

because He is the peace that guards my heart
and also my help in time of need
plus the hope that leads me on and brings me to my knees
and before Him, i find release.

1 comment:

anonym said...

Doorbell I like your singing voice!