Monday, July 2, 2007

the void left by death.

feels like i havent blogged in a while, i wonder why... perhaps cos there have been things happening but i havent been penning them down so... somehow just not in the mood. not really in the mood now also actually, but am blogging to let out some thoughts...

my studiowu dance teacher is dead. his name is Ishi Lau, and he was one cool talented guy and dancer.. i always enjoyed his lessons n thought he was a pretty nice friendly funny guy. plus i find that guys who can dance have a certain charisma that i admire. okay, actually i just admire dancers la.

today is monday. i learnt the news on fri afternoon, while waiting for IT prac lesson to begin. my classmate melise, who has attended studiowu dance lessons b4 n who thus also knows ishi, got a call from her friend who was crying and who said that ishi died. was in disbelief, cos really, it sounded v fantastic. and after all, i had just seen ishi two days ago on wed for new school hip hop. only after melise's friend said that she had confirmed it with studiowu that i called studiowu and yes... ishi is indeed... gone...

i cant believe i'll never see him again. never be taught by him again.

i wish i had dared to talk to him before, or even to take photo with him. but i didnt cos i didnt want to seem as just another fan or something. after all he's a very popular guy with some fame to his name from his superband days... he was part of SOUL. now i'll never get a chance to talk to him again. and. he wsnt a christian...

from time to time i'll think of him... the first few days i'll imagine him in the car, and i'll wonder how he felt then.. i guess from his blog i had gathered that he's a pessismistic guy and all, but i just never expected him to commit suicide. cos really, to me and many others, he's a talented young man with his whole future ahead of him.

and i still clearly remember him saying at the end of that lesson on wed, that he'll continue to teach this song for the next few weeks and too bad for those who dont like lyrical hip hop... i cant believe he went to kill himself a few hours after that...

so. that's that. in a way, i have many questions i wanna ask ishi. guess i can only wait till in future when i can ask God about him.

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