Monday, September 8, 2008

i'm very happy now :) more accurately, i feel so blissful...

the difference between happiness and blissfulness, 快乐和幸福。

which would you choose?

that at-the-spur-of-a-moment burst of happiness can be very tempting, no?


it's like a dream come true to be here in the states, first holidaying, then now with wei siong at pittsburgh, finally able to put faces to names, to see what his apt looks like, to experience the bustle of his school for myself...

i love just sitting on the grass patch beneath the shade of a small tree and watching pple go by or playing tennis or just doing my own stuff, even as the wind blows occasionally...

so, so idyllic.

it's been 3 bouts so far, and this hol is 3 weeks long. is 1 week of holiday worth 1 bout? haha. a loose association.


been meeting very very nice pple... and very very cute kids. hehe! :) pictures up another time cos kinda hard to sync everything, i've been taking pics by the hundreds... please pray that nothing bad happens to my portable hard disk drive, that it doesnt crash or get stolen or anything, cos thats where all my precious precious memories are...

today, had a good time chatting with bryan n his wife cocoa. such wonderful friendly pple, and cocoa gave me a very pretty rose which she made herself! it's so special, never seen anything like it b4... anyway, bryan is this guy who reminds me A LOT of ching sing... they look similar, and mannerisms also a bit.. just that bryan here is a larger, more vocal, more expressive version of cs, whom i think is much, much quieter. heh. think it would be interesting if 1 day they could meet each other... LOL.

bryan commented that from the first instant that he saw me on friday night when ws brought me to cell group, he went home n told his wife that i was a very bubbly person. and that i was very controlled that night. i was so amused la... cos haha in a sense it's quite accurate.. i WAS pretty mild, actually quite normal and sane that night, so the fact that he could tell i was bubbly AND controlled from that 1 meeting alone was quite impressive :P and he said he was surprised at first cos he imagined that ws's gf would be quiet like him too, 没想到却是 exact opposite... he said he cant imagine me being out of control. ahahah~! :D

ok, enough for now! better use the time to upload more photos to facebook while ws's reading his textbk n doesnt need the laptop yet... hehe :)

take care everyone!


-fi- said...

happy for yu dear! :)

wei said...

haha, what chingsing!! glad you're enjoying urself!!!

rivers27 said...

lol. really! this bryan person reminded me so much of ching sing the first instant i saw him... haha. it's nice to know that u two dears still read my blog. hehe. :) wei, u stopped replying me on fb after i replied ur very witty but lame oil joke!