Tuesday, April 27, 2010


it irks me no end how half the time i cant access facebook when at home. either it has a mind of its own and is being temperamental, or... it doesnt like me. somehow.

which means, i cant upload photos as and when i want to. which is uber irritating. it means i cant put up photos of Kelly's Baby Joseph's month-old celebration with WS's CMU cell grp peeps (ah happy times!), or photos of Prom. and prom was like... almost a month ago!! GRrrrrRrR. not my fault k.. blame facebook. hurhur.

its also highly irritating how i'm perpetually sleep deprived, but somehow always end up sleeping after 12.30 am 85% of the time, cos somehow after showering and all.. i become alert and not tired. and the irritating bit is compounded by how i keep waking up waaaaay before the alarm that i set!!!!

case in point: i went to bed at 2am-ish last night, set alarm for 7am, but awoke at 530! like.. what the heck! rested in bed till 6 then decided to make better use of time.

so i am now highly sleep-deprived... i am so sleep deprived that i am tired of mentioning it. it's like.. chronic sleep deprivation. i really need the discipline to SLEEP MORE. Jesus, help me please!

had a great meet-up with dear fifididilooloo in lieu of her bday on Mon. wish i hadnt left the house in such a rush and forgotten to bring candles + lighter! fifi thus ended up with... a bday banana courtesy of funky starbucks staff at raffles city instead of a candle lit apple crumble cheesecake.

and and! it was hilarious when fifi tasted my green tea cream frap and conceded that it was actually quite decent! ahahahha... had a very entertaining time with her.. with me laughing away half the time like a hyena... muahahah... just like old times :) oh man CAN"T WAIT for weiwei to be back! it's amazing when u look back and realise that she's been away for... almost 8 years! oh myyYYYYy....

vandals are another source of irritation. people who maliciously PUNCTURE BICYCLE WHEELS should be caught and... have their fingers broken. ok ok kidding la. but u get my point.. they should be dealt with sternly... such a malicious and mean nature should NOT be allowed to go unchecked! who knows what that meanie-mo will 'upgrade' to next lor

things that crop up unexpectedly and just fill up your schedule and deprive you of free time/ chill time aka much needed rest-time also cause twinges of annoyance.. but what to do...


let me just end of by saying i love my s11 girls! awesome cell group friends :) it was a great session today... was very encouraging how we all prayed tgt. May Jesus continue to continue to move in our midst and stir us up :)

"contentment with godliness is great gain"


Sunday, April 18, 2010


Thank God for thick skin... on the soles of my foot, that is :P Otherwise walking home without shoes on would have been a painful experience. as it is, it was... pretty bearable. Thank God i didnt cut my feet on anything sharp, haha!

anyway, the above is basically about me walking home from kemb mrt with my shoes off. because my shoes were hurting me, the bus 42 had seemingly just left, there were no taxis in sight, and i didnt wanna wait like 25 mins to get home. so.. walking home barefooted seemed like the best option. haha :P

just came home after a cousins gathering at tiong bahru. i hope and pray that next time i'll have a house in such a good location! just next to tiong bahru mrt lor, how convenient! and so centralised too. got to see step cousins whom i havent seen in AGES, and met a 6-years-older Christian niece, was really nice chatting and getting to know each other :) am so glad i went although i wasnt too keen initially... tired. as usual. lol.

another lil splurge today... :X asked ws if he was worried about me and my spending, and he just went, "No, cos next time you wun have $$$ to spend", meaning even if i wanted to buy stuff i wouldnt have the means to do so in future cos we'd prob be a poor Christian couple if/when he goes into full-time ministry.

first service in PLMGSS today.. will take some getting used to. i hope the church stays united and people wun start "migrating" away..

all in all, a great Sunday :) just that i havent done anything to prepare for work next week... oops!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

first service in a new location later! at 2 pm, which means i get to sleep in - thumbs up :D

but but but, i woke up at 7plus :( 15 mins to 11 now, and i'm feeling very tired. shall have a nap soon.. i must be getting old or something, cos i awoke with a back ache! liddat old already how?!?!

yesterday was one of the most relaxing and holiday-ish days ever since the diploma ended in mid feb. went to sentosa with baobao and his navy friends! been a long while since i went there.. going to sentosa and the beach brings to mind rj bandits, the few times we had outings there.. i wonder if we'll ever have another one? we're all so.. dispersed now, and it's sad how perhaps some are.. less uncomfortable with others. evolved relationships means a certain awakwardness? ah wells.

i hope to go to the beach at sentosa with baobao more often! and maybe learn how to play volleyball.. one of the international officers asked me what sports i do, and .. so embarrassing to reply actually nothing! i'm so bad at everything, need lots of practise and learning.. i guess at least i can say i am open to sports! have been wanting to learn tennis for a while.. but.. nobody to teach me. heh.

ever since i started work, i realised that the weekends are really far too short. cant rmmr who was it who was telling me if only 4-day work week was a reality. 3 days to rest and relax and recharge would be AweSoMe!! i guess what i reeeally need is more discipline to sleep more. i need to make better decisions, like doing things in advance and actively choosing to sleep earlier.

i want to go shopping! muahahaha. and i want to go sing k. hopefully with jacjac? if she manages to organise something next week.

my room's looking messy again. time for a clean-up... and time to start on the wardrobe overhaul.

Friday, April 16, 2010


i'm so glad the week's over! i'm so glad today is over. and that it's time to sleep without worrying about anything, though really, as usual its all my last minute fault AGAIN.

what would i do without my dad... who sent me to school today so i wouldnt be late for my 7.30am shift, and who helped me to deliver the application to the building (cos technically the dateline was yesterday)

it appears... that my last minute nature is getting WORSE. seriously need to do something about it, or i'll be so dead in wheelock.

anyway, it's awesome to reach home at 6+pm! which only happens when u get to work early shift. heh. and i'm thankful there the ST class had only 6 children yest and today... a comfortable number to handle... although it is a lil sad to not have seen lil N the whole week - his mum said he fell sick after eating a piece of popcorn chicken which he found in the car which prob had been there for goodness-knows-how-long

next week, will be with F in the youngest class! it's quite happifying to be around the young ones...

i need to sleep more i need to sleep more i need to sleep more.

an unexpected piece of news today... will be praying for Aunt Agnes and her family.

cell group on tues at shuling's house. it's so encouraging to see annie share so openly as she led us in worship. a timely reminder indeed.

good night world!

Monday, April 12, 2010

cranky fb

my fb account has moods... sometimes it gets cranky and refuses to let me in :X feel dao for not replying the well-wishes there, heh.

stupid stomach's been feeling uncomfortable... thought it was just cramps at first, but maybe it's stomach flu and a lil bit of diarrhoea. i HATE diarrhoea. never used to get it till... late last year. its... horrid not being able to control your bowels.

i realise... i need a lot more experience teaching the children. as it is, i think i'm more involved in helped with routine care and all. so conducting activities with them reminds me of what it means to be patient.

yest, b4 reading a book to 2 girls, my neck was feeling very hot and irritable. so i was scratching and all. to my amusement, 1 girl told me, "Ms Chia Ling, don't scratch, or it will become more itchy" .... LOL i was highly amused.. thought of all the friends who used to 'nag' me not to scratch too, haha!

i really need to do something about this last minute habit of mine. tooooo last minute for comfort. sigh.

excited about going china in june! hopefully can go earlier with my cousins.. which would mean 2 weeks there :D that would make up for th disappointment of perth/melb in march. hee. i wonder if... there's any way i can contact my fave XB kids? hopefully God will engineer a meeting with them.. perhaps will bump into them while walking along the streets. heh.

dunno why i've been waking up at 5+ 6+am these days... want/NEED to sleep more. very tired. just... hanging on.

Friday, April 9, 2010

off the roller coaster ride

today is one of the rare days that my hk serials hold no appeal... just bumming ard catching up on friends' lives browsing thru their pics on facebook. heh.

hais. its been an eventful week.. i glad its the weekend. really need a break. nowadays, the weekends feel much too short... i love the kids at TCC, but working (almost) office hours mon-fri is tiring. i can only imagine how the perm staff feel.. take my hat off to them. they have so much more to do, and so much more unplanned responsibilities to take on. still, it's part of life and our learning journey... i just wish i had more time to sleep. which is prob solely my own fault. who ask me to go out jalan jalan myself when i was bored to tears somehow shopping alone today? and who ask me to stay up late tonight? but not sleepy yet... soon, i think. i can feel the sleep bug coming on.

been rather grouchy at times the past couple of days. stresses.. disorientation.. and tiredness. wed was crazy... last min, unplanned, unexpected stuff.. i dunno what to expect tmr.. i just hope nothing came out the wrong way! and thur... woah... i never thought i would experience such a moment when i decided to come to np back then... grateful for the opportunities to learn, mature and improve.. and appreciative of the efforts they put in. i hope they're not disappointed by the outcome.. anyhow, its been an eye-opening roller coaster ride within 3 days. whew!

i should... fix my eyes upon the things that really matter once again. and to gear up for Yunnan in June! wheeee~ :)

Thank you God for your favour, blessings and the support of loved ones :)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Where, O death, is your victory?

it's 4 am :X sigh.. interrupted sleep tonight means more of a sleep debt to repay, and possible a zombie me at work tmr. then again, as Dot says, the kids will perk me up... they are soOoOoooO adorable :D

And so the long ('holy') weekend has come and gone by..technically speaking, Good Friday and Resurrection (Easter) Sunday should be THE most significant days of a year for us Christians... the day that Jesus willingly died for All Mankind (read: YOU/me), so that our sins are forgiven us, and we can have a relationship with God again... and then the day that Jesus rose from the dead and conquered death. which justifies our faith:

And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith.
- 1 Corinthians 15:14

i think i'm ready for water baptism this year... :) i know my relationship with God is like.. 忽冷忽热... inconsistent.. unsteady.. more often than not i'm drifting away.. so not the exemplary Christian's lifestyle.. but as th lyrics go,

Oh how many times have I broken Your heart
But still You forgive
If only I ask
And how many times have You heard me pray
Draw near to me

All for a love a Saviour prayed
Abba Father have Your way
Though they know not what they do
Let the Cross draw man to You

still learning, to love Him more, fear Him more, pray more, glorify Him in all i do, trust Him more, and to have my identity firmly grounded in Him. So help me, Lord.

it's been an eventful 1 week.. 1st children's play, 3rd Prom, hanging out with cell group friends, lunch and shopping with Dot,, and having to MUG NEWSPAPERS. feels like i am mugging for GP again... lol. it's nice to read the papers actually, to get in touch with good English, and see different perspectives, catch up with recent happenings/issues... but it's very time-consuming. i only JUST started through 1 whole pile. :X