Saturday, May 29, 2010


waiting for my files to be backed up in my new portable hdd... hahaha... i am going to get another hdd, those big bulky ones that can store all my gazillion things and just kept at home for.. peace of mind :) i think i'll just cry if my comp/hdds crash 1 day and all my data are gone.

yest was a cool day. finally got reunited with my creative mp3 (support spore products! haha) after i carelessly left it in sr's car.. the price of carelessness was 4 days w/o my music accompanying me on public transport :( but ok la it wasnt that that that bad. but my mp3 is really 1 of those essential things that i'll def bring out with me wherever i go, esp on overseas travels... YN, here i come! yeeha!

excited excited excited. coupled with a sense of urgency.. suddenly feel so unprepared, i wish i had more time to read up prepare testimonies so that if/when i get the chance to i can share unreservedly, w/o worrying abt my lousy language and what content.. no time no time no time! jack neo should make a film - time no enough. it seriously isnt. just look at my eye bags -_-

the excitement abt this upcoming trip has been there, but it's mounting, esp after i got to talk to my xb 'kid' (aka student).. haha who's actually a 20 year old boy, actually only 4 years younger. suddenly the prospect of seeing him/them again feels more real... and i feel like scrambling to set up qq and organize a mass meet up of 25班.. hais. but hey're all over the place not all have contact no.s so.. i guess i'll leave it up to God. there're a handful of students i feel more affectionate towards.. mainly those who still wrote letters.. but i would esp wanna meet the 2 (zhi guo and jian mei) who specially came down to xy city to find jason and i on our 2007 trip.. but ok, i'm just very thankful at being reconnected with guo bao. he sms-ed me last night too! so funny la that boy.. really, reeeally wanna meet up with him.. then there's zhu ming jie,cheeky cute boy from 28班. and his adorable lil sis xiao feng.. but my fave lil kid was xiao po, and there's her older sis jian qin. are they still at xb? re-read the letters i got from them on the 2007 trip.. all so sweet.. 3 years down the road now, wonder how they are? do they still think of me/us? will they really get to come spore and find me/us one day..

一生有你 reminds me of all my 象鼻kids, as does老鼠爱大米. i miss them.

okay that aside... i had a wonderful spontaneous meet up with jacjac! at startbucks :) now she knows my new fave haunt. tho cos of its ulu-ness i doubt i'll go there frequently, just for those special days when i need time/space/privacy for myself, to breathe, smell the coffee, and reconnect with God. anyway, its so nice to be in more constant touch with her, to know whats going on with each other etc.. and haha i'm also very happy cos in some sense SHE initiated it ;) it is a big deal k, cos she always claims she's very passive... haha! my dearest friend apart from ws from jc days.. all our times tgt.. and then the rocky bits after.. but now we'r a-okay! may the friendship go from strength to strength :)

the crazyily busy week is over, but somehow still feeling like i have a lot of things i need/want to do. which includes a massive overhaul of my whole room. its so messy/disorganized, i cant stand it. yet i;ve been living in/like this for my whole life! being in child care has somehow influenced me in this i think. that, and how organized/neat ws + his family is. otherwise next time how? cham ah!

want to go sing ktv.. want to go cycling at the beach.. want a bandits outing to sentosa.. want a poly friends sleepover/saboteur get-together.. wants a make-up staycation with dotdot (havent seen/spoken to her in ages).. wants to visit rj and search for teachers and see if they remember me/us.. wants to have so6b class gathering and christian fellowship... doesnt mind going ice-skating/ horse-riding...

wants to make presents for my xb kids, my tcc kids etc etc. and belated bday cum father's day present for my awesome earthly daddy, esp since i'll be away.

ok, time to go keep track of all the things i need to get done today... focus cling, FOCUS!

1 comment:

jac jac said...

wow, i really haven't been updated with your blog posts! and since i was mentioned in this post, i shall shamelessly comment on it :X let's do KTV, cycling, stayover, sentosa beach....whatever you want, once your workload eases off k? and i will try to take some initiative in planning something ( : meanwhile, don't stress yourself out too much. you've gone through tough times before, so i believe i can see through this once again ( : try to look at what you have at hand one at a time, not in parallel! let me know if you need some spontaneous meet up? or to study together even, coz i'm retaking my GREs (haiz). okies, i save you time from my further ramblings...take care, jiayou, love ya! :P