Saturday, May 5, 2007

i need sleep. at least, logically speaking, i think i do. considering i woke up at 5 plus and slept at 1 plus after settling the prices of flowers with kim hui... fell asleep on my bed whilst praying, lol. which was after i read acts chap 1 n 2. decided i must put in more effort to do my quiet time faithfully, to prepare myself for the yunnan mission trip, as pastor jean was telling us yesterday. and she said the book of acts is like a book about missions, so i figured it'd be good to read that. hehe. :) anyway, so i fell asleep with the lights on. woke up once at 3 plus i think, saw the lights on, and smartly went back to slep without turning off the lights. well done. haha. then woke up again at 5 plus, saw my laptop in working condition!!! so decided to utilise it whilst it's behaving itself. so hard to get it to work properly lor! you guys should know man, whole day restarting and shutting down and turning on again, ALL TO NO AVAIL. which explains why i'm now backing up all my songs n photos and stuff... hurhur.

sent a loooooong email (wordy email like my blog posts muahaha) to everyone, and checked out bouquets of carnations. now i have a better idea how to wrap them. exciting!!! feeling pretty excited. these r exciting times man!

plus, i started reading the book abt the african missionary, rowland bingham... very interesting! i wanna read all b4 i go yunnan! haha :) read it whilst on the mrt to and from wei siong's house. fell asleep in his room whilst supposed to be watching vcd with him. oops. just as well, that gave me energy to read the book on my way home instead of sleeping.


min min bought me moisturizing dry skin repair cream!!!!!!!!
*so touched*
thank you dear :)
not to mention that she slathered it very generously onto me when she bumped into fay, shu n me at eunos... generously massaged it onto me for me. hee. free gift still got free service some more! the ultimate... thank you so so much :)

i conclude that yest was flower day and cream day. skin cream i mean. cos guess what happened on the mrt home from chinese garden?

ok, i was scratching away -as usual-, its like my reflex action u know? conditioned since young liaos. so more or less used to scratching all over. heh. then anyway. this elderly lady sitting next to me suddenly spoke to me and offered me cream! i declined n showed her the one minmin had bought for me. and she was like, no her one better... and she took it out and showed me and squeezed out some -despite my protests- for me to apply. so apply i did. hee. so cute lor that lady. but very nice of her too. she was so engrossed talking to me that she missed her clementi stop n ended up in buona vista. heh. Oops. but ya, that little act of kindness was quite touching :)

am proud of my self control for not indulging in chips with weisiong yesterday as i originally wanted to! (was quite comfortably full, and besides had eaten TWO ice cream cones earlier!)

ok, i shld get a nap first b4 going to church, right? hehe :)

exciting times, exciting!!!

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