Monday, May 21, 2007

i think, last week or so has been somewhat emo. (teen slang muaahaha)

first there was the peace offering trip to clare's house. where i really kinda errupted into tears. shu en's really right about me and the approval by others' thingy. it just feels super lousy when u know pple ( n esp pple u care abt or who mean something to u) are either displeased/upset/irritated/angry with you. :X gosh i dont wanna imagine what it would be like if one day ... my bear gets very upset with me. or angry. or whatever. haha.

then there was yest, got to speak to my bro on the phone! :) and yah got to cry to him on the phone too. haha. like i said, it's been an emo time. there were other emo days too, but let's just leave that aside haha.

i feel like i should be wraping bouquets now! but i dont feel like wrapping. lazy. once i start, i wont have time for anything else then it'll be time to sleep already. but if i dont wrap, the flowers will die soon and that'll be a waste of $$$ (i have flowers in my room again now cos i just completed a small batch of orders for wailing n jinfei). ie there's still my uncle's 3 sf 9 r bouquet to do, though he told me today not to worry abt it. oh n even as i type this, zhiyang shld be back from yunnan alr, but not sure whether he'll have bought back any flowers from there. heh. doesnt matter i guess. if he does, i'll just practise making a big big big bouquet n find some nice uncle to buy for his wife muahahha, in the process raising more funds (!!!) for the mission trip!

which reminds me. i really need to go do the accounts.

a sign that i'm not so tired today - didnt fall asleep in the cinema while watching spidey 3 with ws. hehe. must be cos i woke up at 9 plus today! =D i liked the movie! found the plot quite interesting. wouldnt mind watching it again if there's time. feel quite busy leh, i dont know why. supposed to go watch spidey3 with amir though. didnt have the heart to tell him when he asked that i wld go catch it with ws. wells at the most i'll catch it twice!

did you know roses can come in sprays too? they're so pretty! :) i like.

i also like pedal works shoes! but. expensive :(

eating watermelon now, reminded of the period where my bro was crazy over them (i cant rmmr why also), n got my mom to buy many many many watermelons! we had like more than 5 in the house at one time can. funny. :P

my jc friend asked me to consider teaching his sec 4 bro english n chem. i feel flattered. but then. hmmm think i shldnt take it on due to time and lack of confidence la. anyway i cant find my chem notes! besides, wld it be a bit funny teaching a friend's sibling? ~shrugs~

had lum's surprise party and amir's party on sat. tiring day. high calories day too. but all that chocolate cake was oh-so-nice!!! :D chocolate indulgence from secret recipe, and chocoate mousse from four leaves. yummylicious. n i ate 2 slices of lum's cake too. *guilty look* xiaohui's really very sweet to plan all this for lum la.. .and the $$$ she forked out to... i wonder why the others who turned up and stayed to play/eat at settler's cafe didnt think of paying her $8 each. poor dear!

amir's party. been a long time since i saw many bandits all at one time. quite alright la. was pleasantly surprised when livia acknowledged my presence with a slight smile as she said "hi" in the kitchen. was so surprised that i had to ask her if she was talking to me. but shall not read too much into things ya. i guess its enough that i'm acknowledged. sat youwei's car home! he was speeding like siao... haha... eh no traffic police is gonna read this n arrest him right? :P had an interesting conversation w him in the car, tho it was quite short. goodness knows when we'll chat again. he's one of those people whom its easy for me (ok maybe everybody la cos he's so mr nice guy) to talk to in a way so it's a pity i dont see him very often.

i wish the mission trip was just 1 wave and not 2! so that everyone would be going at the same time with everyone else! cos i think our team is quite a good team. hehe. :)

2 tests this week. hmmm. and project due next week. blergh. :P

fifi: haha. i'm leaving for china for 10 days on the day that u'll be returning! but nvmind, it just means i'll see u not so soon... :)

annie: i updated! hehe. u must too, okee? :) btw, we have an official new member! rmmr rachel? the newest lian hua after qinying? she accepted Christ yest during service, n jinfei's her mentor :)


-fi- said...


could the timing be any worse :( grrrrr.

what time's your flight?

rivers27 said...

eh i'm not sure what time's my flight yet. haha. but i think it'll be earlier on in the day. should be morning. no worries dear, it just means u gotta have a bit more patience! just abt a month more till i behold your beautiful face once more! :)

-fi- said...

cancel beautiful and put fat in place of it please. haha.. crap crap crap.

wokays let me know when yu get back then :)

yu look like yu lost weight btw! I SO NEED TO! :(