Wednesday, July 4, 2007

can u hear my stomach growling...


and i'm sitting in the canteen now some more.

well at least, the worst of the hunger pangs is over. just now during child development lecture it was... really horrible ah, being both food deprived AND sleep deprived. but lecture was super slack. its officially a 3 hr lect but which always ends half an hour early. today, it ended like 50 minutes early! well done man.

anyway, i have 6 tutukueh in front of me. 3 coconut n 3 peanut. n i can only eat them at 8 pm! s0o for now i'm just smelling them. maybe some ttk atoms r going into my body and nourishing it anyway. heh.

ok, i need to study for IT test and do my project!!!

oh but, meeting fifififi for dinner tmr. for plain porridge at crystal jade kitchen in PS. cos i love their plain porridge which is most value for money too, it seems to me. of cos i also like their roast duck. but thats for another time. jialing is broke this month. the $200 my mum gave me seems to have almost totally evaporated into i dont know where... well if i fast the whole month... i wont need the $$$ anyway! haha kidding.

AND. this is the stressful part. august has too many pples birthdays la!!! why are so many of you born in august?! grr. and thats when i'll have my exams too. hmm that means i have to start early! and thats not my forte. i'm good at procrastinating man, so so good. like i'm good at shopping too. which reminds me... i MUST make myself keep track of expenditure next time i'm overseas.. at least then i'll know exactly how much i spent on shopping and so how guilty to feel. hurhur.

my boyboy's not feeling well! want to sayang him.

wailing's bday yest! had a great time celebrating with her. tho most of the time i felt quite 手忙脚乱。thank God for joshua who gentlemanly carried my "combat equipment" for me to tanjong rhu and then to dinner and even ran to buy wrapping paper for waiwai... :)

ok. lets see if i can get to meet the fish b4 dance! woohooo!!! :P


anonym said...
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anonym said...

I dont meet fish, i'd prefer to eat it. taste fingers lickin' goot huh!?

wat dat BLEAH!!

anyway, thanks for the tremendrous effort and "heart+blood" for the fabulous card! it is BEAUTIFUL!

jialing is a smart girl and blessed with lotta slack classes.. you blessed early childhood studs.. mass comm ppl are gettin messier I guess.. ok, btw when did you pick up fishing?


p/s august is a beautiful month.. dont u think august sounds xtra'ordinarily fabulous..

rivers27 said...

sim him hui ah sim sim... feifei fei... if u were a fish, u would be a flying fish lor. and u're really lame. BUT it's so entertaining and oh-so-CUTE!!! :) (sorry la this fan of yours cant stop proclaiming how cute u are... :P )

oh i picked up fishing cos my Father set me an example by being a fisher.. and i have now a good friend who's closely related to fish! ya know, the friend u like to jok-jok...

why u "wat da bleah" so many times??! :P

and haha, i know why u think august is a beautiful month lor... esp ONE particular day of august right...

Black Kitty said...

what the!! you people here ah, talking fishy stuff !!! irritating ! hello to kidudette.. pls eh, you prefer to eat it? ha ha.. it's finger licking good meh !?!?!?

siao ah !!


anonym said...

Our nation's birthday mah..