Sunday, July 8, 2007

hahaha. was gonna type that the sheep and the fish are talking, but then their conversation just ended. just as well, cos i have limited free outgoing! hurhur.

can u figure out who those 2 animals are? muahaha! :D

ok am sitting in macs at aljunied. sitting by myself cos need to charge my lappy. and fish is like 2.5 m away at a big table supposedly studying (cos i was disturbing her then i went over and we were talking and haha whatever hopefully whatever she's studying is getting in!). today is sunday. sermon today was good! the message was really preached boldly. i salute Rev Chng man! :) and it was also a mesage that reinforced what i've been feeling recently. about our thought life. cos ever since i saw the verse in chinese "应当一无挂虑,只要凡事借着祷告,祈求和感谢,将你们所要的告诉神。神所赐出人意外的平安,在基督耶稣里保守你们的心怀意念。" my heart's prayer has been that God help me guard my thoughts and my mind. firstly how cos from the past 2 years, its very clear that there are times when i'm really super vulnerable and just get defeated by all the unhealthy thoughts. i really dont want to go through that kind of period again. so yups. and secondly... haha that's for me to know and for you to guess. :P

but anyway. it was a really good message. and haha, when Rev Chng spoke about the verse "whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable --- if anyting is excellent or praiseworthy --- think about such things." jingyu and i just gave each other that -look- :) haha. ok actually we're always giving each other that look. :P i aim to memorise that verse in english and chinese! Yeah!

i realise... that i've been coming to aljunied macs everyday for the past 3 days! this is the fourth consecutive day man. see what i mean, it's really becoming a second home.

my brother is deciding btw poland, switzerland and france for his exchange. haha. i havent seen the info of the diff unis so cant give him any advice. but no matter where he chooses to go, i'll still benefit! muahaha. cos this thought just occured to me a while ago. that i can go visit him when he's on exchnage! thats prob like one of the only good things of the weird poly school term.. cos when i'm on holiday he's in school, and vice versa. so this time when he's overseas on exchange, it'll be my holiday and i can go visit him! HURRAY!!! :D

on fri when my dad kindly picked me up from macs, he was talking to me in the car. haha. that i'm seldom at home, so hard to have time to talk to me, except when we're in the car haha like when he picks me up etc. oops. it's really quite true... ah wells.. on usual weekdays i'll be home maybe 9 plus on average cos most of the time i'll try to go for dance ma. must utilise my dance package u see. n if i dont go dance its prob cos meeting pple or something else. so in any case i still reach home late. so heh. and weekend.. hmm. sometimes meet pple, church, spend time with ws. so. yups. oh but yest i was at home most of the time. did talk a lil with my mum. oh, this morning also got chat with her! over breakfast. i only rmmr us talking abt ws. haha. my mum says u must come over more often so that she can talk to u! she says u very quiet hahahha :)

a friend of mine going thru a very difficult period now.. she's feeling very guilty and ashamed of herself. pray for her ok? not able to give more details tho. paiseh.

hungry... must pray must pray! :) oh! have i mentioned that i bought the chinese version of purpose driven life? how cool.. i like to read a chinese book once in a while, and what can be better than reading a chinese christian book? :) actually i wanted to buy 2 books lor. but my boyboy restrained me saying i shld buy 1 first, finish that, then buy the other 1. not as if the book will run away. and instead if i buy 2 i may end up not reading both. heh. so me being the good girl, only bought 1! :)

oh oh, mama fang brought her tuition kid to chruch.. a 22 year old korean kid... i really should get to know him! he can teach me korean. muahaha.

ok ok, i ought to get down to work.. my child development project!

1 comment:

anonym said...

i thought you were mentioning 杨国泰.. that was the second batch mission ppl's lingo for 杨国泰.. haha~