Tuesday, July 10, 2007

its 9 pm. my project is due at 2 pm tmr. i have a 11-1 am lesson tmr before the project dateline. AND.

i still have my interpretation of the observational record to do.
plus the intro, conclusion, and recommendations to enhance physical development to do.
not forgetting, need to edit the analysis of individual finding and similarities and differences.

that basically leaves me with pretty much THE WHOLE PROJECT to do.

well done jialing!

i never fail to amaze myself with my last minute-ness. sigh.

tonight... dont need to sleep liao. unless a miracle happens cos of all the prayers( from fishes and all) and i am actually productive and efficient!

i wish...


Black Kitty said...

goodness! did anyone tell you how hilarious your blog entries can be !?!? no? what a pity! haha then let me be the first to say that!

you very funny la. never fail to amuse me with your entries somehow somewhere. whatever.

you're right when you said "(fishy stop laughing! u need calcium too lor. :D )" HAHAHAHA *laughs really out loud*

"we basically ATTACKED our 菜饭. and she the small stomach girl actually finished her food before me lor! ME leh. and her leh."
-->wah biang. dont say until it's impossible can ?!!? nothing is impossible ok!! hahah!!

and btw. how come u're the one to do the almost-entire-project?! goodness. can spilt load anot. it's taxing and killing you!

yeah. a miracle will happen lor. i believe by faith God will PULL you through (even if it means thru the unholy hours). but i'll pray for you!!!!! 加油!!!
i (KIV) zzz late also. so sms me if u're bored or what ok. or you can have twin-bonding with your 'twin'. whatever that will makes u awake.haha.

Ah Y said...

how;s it darling? can finish..
