Thursday, June 26, 2008

i'm wearing my new watch :) it's a pretty RELIC one.. and just looking at it makes me feel happy and blessed. friendship is so wonderful :)

i really have so so SO much to be thankful/grateful for. feel very blessed. please let this feeling never depart from me so i never sink into rubbish-ness again.

on another note, my sleep patterns are really strange now. like, who on earth do you know who sleeps ard 12 plus one, sets her alarm for six plus sevn-ish, yet wakes up automatically around four plus? AM hor. it's 5.33 am now, or so my laptop clock tells me. and this is the pattern that's been recurring these days. so while on one hand i get more time to play with (do stuff and all), on the other hand.. i'm really super sleep deprived! and it shows either through my high-ness in class (think my poly friends commenting "wah.. must be forget to eat medicine today :D") or my sleepiness (think dozing off on the mrt and ending up at yishun. YISHUN! do u know how far that is from kembangan? lol). and last but not least... the infamous and MOST UNWELCOME eye bags.

as i was telling weisiong, they're the only bags i don't want, would NEVER EVER buy, but which i get free of charge... how sad is that la. and my mom will remind me to sleep early, saying how next time if want to do facials and stuff to reduce the appearance of dark circles and eye bags, it's very expensive! cos a cousin of mine did it before. so yes. sad. hurhur.

i'm finally going to try botak jones later! meeting my very dear jackety-yak for brunch.. yay i'm gonna get my meat fix :D

and looking forward to seeing my lychee friend.. played the same 'hello! guess who am i' thingy on him as i did on pple like annie and jinfay :) (got most amusing responses from them... hahaha) chatted briefly, will catch up more.. wanna find out his, erm, latest developments with *ahem. hehee.

gonna be taking alumni band prac later tonight.. hais.. i much rather play than conduct.. if i had known being selected as band leader (conductor) back than in sec 4 meant continuing responsibilities in the future years, maybe i might have reconsidered. haha.

been spending a lot of $$$... :( this is the economic principle of unlimited wants and scarce resources... ($$$) LOL. which reminds me. i miss Mrs Lee Soon Bee. she was such a great teacher, so motherly, and who taught me so well. hee. anyway, since the hole in my pocket is growing bigger, i really need to find myself tuition kid(s)! hope that can take over fi's sec 3 english for one.. i'm very weird when it comes to tuition. i much rather take languages (but chinese only until sec 2 la.. otherwise unfair to the kid. heh) than science and math. just.. feel insecure. heh.

i think if i wanted to, i could just blog and blog and blog and not stop... the result of pent up thoughts for half a year? LOL

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

i like this picture a lot :) these are my beloved poly friends who suan me and make fun of me and laugh at me BUT. i know it's cos they love me! lol... cos thats what i do to them too.. hehe. i actually blogged an entry with this photo the other day but STUPID BLOGGER ATE UP MY POST. so here i am re-blogging this.

but. i'm sleepy. in the 3 hour Academic Writing lesson now. but i've actually been surfing facebook, looking at photos and tagging pple's walls, all that random stuff. oh and, did i mention i'm sleepy? i can feel myself nodding off..

and my hp is cranky. sho shad. WHY?!?!?! please dont be cranky my dear N81 8GB. you're only 1 plus weeks old you know... hais

becos i'm so sleepy, i'll intro those 5 lovely friends of mine another time.
good night~* zzzZzZZ...

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Happy together :)

Lest anyone forgets what my darling looks like... lol. i thought after blogging so much on other stuff, i should put up a photo of us :) this was at sentosa last year! happy :)

running commentary albeit not in order for yw's bday 'party' at jap "marche" Shokudo!

A good look at what Youwei Tan had to extinguish... and which amir+alex had a competition with against jac+me... and guess who won, the guys or the gals? obviously..... US!!! jacjac and i :) we Rock! ours didnt relight ok... muahahaha.
he tried.. he really did... we all can attest to that. but he just couldnt seem to extinguish the re-lighting candles... LOL

lighting the wonderful candles that led to diaphragm training for the birthday boy.. amid much laughter from the rest of us :)

the only things i dont like abt this pic is my fat right arm (sorry for the eyesore, lol) and how the birthday boy isnt smiling!! Smile YOUWEI sMiLE!!! :D

hilarious.. while waiting for birthday boy to arrive, we decided to take a foursome pic, and this was the, erm, best that xiaodi could take with his long arm. looks like he needs more training to get the angle right! :P

Monday, June 23, 2008


i'm very blessed because of all the wonderful people in my life.. and this post oes out to all who have showered me with concer with all the smses and other little gestures. thank you so very much :) i dont know why you guys continue to stand by me when i find myself such a monster, but nevertheless, i appreciate it :) and to those whom i havent had the chance to properly initiate contact with... 对不起!sometimes i feel like saying dont be so nice to me i dont deserve it... ie yest morning when i awoke to find a lovely scrunchie, hand stitched using wool, accompanied with a short note by my bed. it was a pleasant surprise, but i havent thanked the person yet.. havent even acknowledged it.. becos it seems too casual to just send an sms to say thank you. ah wells.

he'll be back!

yes, how time flies... before i know it, this one week will also zzzzzoooom past and wei siong will be back! =)

as usual, want to go many many places to makan with him. haha. and be exercise freaks together - he train for his ippt, me, erm just for general fitness and health ;)

work work work... and a dream

i'm a notti girl again. it's 5.30 am now, i have a 30% assignment (a math lesson plan) due at 4 pm later and lessons start at 11 am, and i havent started writing my work. when did i become so alast minute ah? it's a 'this-semester' thing, but wells it's ok actually as long as i dont freak out over the time limitations and actually produce decent work. so i guess it remains to be seen from the grade... lol.

while i was sleeping just now, i had a weird dream. i dreamt that she came to singapore. and she was sitting next to me at one point. and she initiated a short conversation. and very very weirdly, after whatever event we were at had ended and we had departed, i received news that she died. super queer dream to have... maybe it's not so strange to dream of her, but to have her actually initiating conversation with me is kinda unimaginable... and furthermore the abrupt news like half an hour ago that she suddenly died.. (very weird, my dream said the cause was something about some bullet passing through dont know where, and strangely enough, it was my bro who told me that, and i rmmr how in my dream i was asking my bro, huh? u mean she was shot by a bullet?!?! to which my bro was explaining no.. some dont know what la... i think i made things up in my dream man)

anyway, the above may not be understandable. i guess i ust had to pen it down. i dont know the reason i dreamt of her.. maybe it's my sub-soncsious sle fwanting to re-establish contact with her, test water etc and see her response... but i won't. at least, i dont think i should. let us lead our own distinct lives.. what's more with what jt told me about her broaching the topic of me and not being very happy.. hais.. the good and the 'bad' of ships - friend, relation or others, they're all part of life. accept and move on :)

back to work!

Friday, June 20, 2008

random photos... more up another time :)

back :)


i'm back. lol. quite apparent huh. and i'm sitting in between 2 guys who are my sunshine (no coincidence that they're both wearing yellow now too ... :P)

anyway, less u think i'm so scandalous as to be surrounded by 2 guys, (in my bro's room somemore! good thing he's away -enjoying the high life touring UK- so that the 2 guys could bunk overnight after the bbq. bandits affair at ecp :D happy happy! ) there is/was a girl, jacjac with me but she was on the phone with her -ahem- ... so... thats why i was with the two guys while she was out of the room.

its 1.30 pm now! the four of us slept at ard 5 am, i awaoke the earliest at 10!!! followed by jacjac (had a nice chat hehe) and then the taller guy, and last but not least, the shorter one. whose process of awaking was highly amusing. with lots of errhhhhhh... and all sorts of funny sounds... u have to be here to hear it for yourself ;)

ok, shall keep it a short post for now. i should have blogged earlier, but i kinda felt my first post should be an explanatory one to apologise for my absence.. and to thank all my loved ones for being there for me :)