Monday, June 23, 2008

work work work... and a dream

i'm a notti girl again. it's 5.30 am now, i have a 30% assignment (a math lesson plan) due at 4 pm later and lessons start at 11 am, and i havent started writing my work. when did i become so alast minute ah? it's a 'this-semester' thing, but wells it's ok actually as long as i dont freak out over the time limitations and actually produce decent work. so i guess it remains to be seen from the grade... lol.

while i was sleeping just now, i had a weird dream. i dreamt that she came to singapore. and she was sitting next to me at one point. and she initiated a short conversation. and very very weirdly, after whatever event we were at had ended and we had departed, i received news that she died. super queer dream to have... maybe it's not so strange to dream of her, but to have her actually initiating conversation with me is kinda unimaginable... and furthermore the abrupt news like half an hour ago that she suddenly died.. (very weird, my dream said the cause was something about some bullet passing through dont know where, and strangely enough, it was my bro who told me that, and i rmmr how in my dream i was asking my bro, huh? u mean she was shot by a bullet?!?! to which my bro was explaining no.. some dont know what la... i think i made things up in my dream man)

anyway, the above may not be understandable. i guess i ust had to pen it down. i dont know the reason i dreamt of her.. maybe it's my sub-soncsious sle fwanting to re-establish contact with her, test water etc and see her response... but i won't. at least, i dont think i should. let us lead our own distinct lives.. what's more with what jt told me about her broaching the topic of me and not being very happy.. hais.. the good and the 'bad' of ships - friend, relation or others, they're all part of life. accept and move on :)

back to work!

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