Monday, February 1, 2010

Considering how i only slept 3+ hours on Sunday rushing out the IEP report for submission on Monday, i should sleep like at least 9 hours yesterday to make up for it... horrors of horros=rs tho, its thus highly strange that i awoke at 6+am this morning (slept close to 11pm) feeling fully awake... at least for now... haha.

does that mean i'll be very tired later? Hmmm. ah wells.

how appropriate that the last assignment of my diploma days will be concluded with a stayover at dot's house to chiong it tgt...

am i really going for physical fitness test the next day though after handing in THE LAST ASSIGNMENT?

if i'm sleep-deprived, i'll feel like a walking zombie....

On a happier note (and busier one too), work starts this thurs, 1 day after the end of assignments. haha. will be seeing my beloved Cove kids on a regular basis soooooonnnnn... :)

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