Saturday, February 6, 2010

falling sick once in a while can be a blessing...

it's highly strange that i dun feel the least bit sleepy now considering i have fever, took med an hour ago, and only slept from 9-12am then 6-730am last night and this morning respectively. that means 4.5 hours of sleep.... waaaaaay too leetle

but i really cant fall asleep now! is it the fever keeping me awake? that would explain why i was awake from 12-6 and used the time to upload photos, pack my room and listen to Ps Naomi's sermons... 2 of them (good stuff!). and repeatedly too.

8.38am now. service at 1030. who knows, my temp may have gone down by then... cant help feeling a tinge of pride at how clever i am for applying what was supposed to be a cool gel eye mask thingy for relaxing to my forehead instead. then when it gets warm, i just make it cold again by soaking it briefly in a container of ice water. haha. so much more mess-free than a towel with ice cubes.. at least i wun get wet as the towel leaks water.

had a nice chat with oct this morn too... ironic how we're talking much more now that she's overseas and the time diff means we chat at weird hours. it's nice though :) alwas had a soft spot for that gal.. (else i woulddnt have gotten so agitated and busybody-ish when i perceived that *ahem* was bullying her then. whether the perception was right or wrong is another story and one which i still aint sure about. heh)

ANYWAY, oct said that xh's gonna visit her in uk during the easter period!!!! ahhhhhhhh... i tempted to go tooo... i wonder if i'll actually end up going anywhere at all after being swamped with all the possibilities now. that would be a total dampener. i want i want...... (oh no i sound like dotdot whining.... *sniggers* no offense k girl? u know i love you!)

one problem with me is that i want too many things. whoever reads this, please pray for me that i wun be such a materialistic person and want so many things and spend so much $$$....

ok, mom and pop have gone to the market. i shall go wrap flowers :)

check this out and support if you can, alright?? >>>


Dotdot said...

wahwah! i read your blog very often one ok! haha! and woman, you got fever aH! va lao! i want to scold u already! u got drink enough water anot? u need me to buy the chinese medicine for u again? u ah.... must take care of yourself ok! no late nights!

Anonymous said...

eh... i fever then u still scold me.. must shower me with tender loving care la... lol :)
