Monday, February 1, 2010

today turned out to be an unexpectedly happy and fulfilling day...

started off as a sleep-deprived zombie editing the IEP report at 6+am... edit edit then write own reflection then more editing before finally finishing all the editing ard 11am, which ironically was the originally stated dateline. lol.

took my time to get ready to go school to hand in peer evaluation form, as my part of editing was complete though the rest were fighting against time to print print print then bind and SUBMIT!! everything fell into place, thank God for His grace, cos Iryanti was nice enough to wait in HMS office till 2pm giving us sufficient time to tie up all the loose ends. ~beams~

managed to squeeze out time to visit my beloved Cove kids... i am biased but i just adore the 2+ and 3+ year olds.. somehow younger children just have this special appeal to me. and the 3+ year olds, as my first proper batch of kids will always have a special place in my heart :) just sitting them and patting them to sleep during their nap time also nice... little things like their individual unique smiles, how some of them scrunch up their eyes and squeeze them tight when i whisper to them to close their eyes and go to bed, how KY who was originally soundly asleep suddenly got up, flung off the blanket (which i had covered her with, oops! apparently, it was too warm. haha) and then settled down to bed again just warms my heart.. speaking of warm, i was also like "oops" when Ms M told me that the other time when i helped N put on his jacket before nap, he woke up suddenly crying cos it was too warm. uh oh... hahaha.. looks like i shouldnt be too quick to assume that they'll feel cold. guess the Cove has adjusted the air-conditioning to be warmer too hehe!

then, i convinced my OB project grp to go suntec for Astons celebratory lunch with me! :) poor them, all so tired, hungry and "seh" still got to walk walk walk so long b4 we finally enjoyed our meal... hee hee. photos up another time. anyway, that late lunch (3 pm) was super filling, and after lazing somewhat, we settled at MOF nextdoor (hurray for empty tea time cafes, 30% student discounts and MOF priviledge card! muahaha) and had the shortest YET most productive OB project meeting to date. See, satisfied people and nice environment plus good food works wonders for brain cells k.. i bet if i was in school, i'll be too sian to contribute anything. (oops.. :P) kudos to amy who as usual is the one who gets us started... many thanks gal :) great job :) oh and happy belated bday.... hahahaha... hope u enjoyed ur mini bday celebration eating brownie with melting ice cream and SABOTEUR!!!

speaking of which, i have really started the saboteur craze among the few of us ever since i intro-ed that game... yest's game was really the ultimate. i will forever rmmr how sherlene successfully conned EVERYONE into believing she's a gold-miner so much so that Evie unblocked her, only to have Sherlene bomb up a path! AND THEN, justina also declared she was a saboteur! oh MAN.... so cunning! she was the one who replaced the path that i bombed lor!!! sneaky... hahah... but really really great moves by these 2 lil darlings :) will miss them.. just glad we got to work on these last few projects tgt! :) hope we keep in touch and meet up for SaboTeuR gatherings!!! muahahha....

so, that super efficient OB meeting ended b4 5pm... couldnt believe it was so early, thus i tempted dot into shopping at cotton on with me.. lol.. and we spent an hour there on some pretty decent buys. so, quite happy too.

journeyed home, got a seat on the crowded mrt, ate some veg for dinner, read 8 days in the living room (family always complain i spend too much time cooped up in my room so was attempting to be sociable haha) and the M started making noise about the state of our living room.. think she was somewhat venting her frustrations on bro and i, tho of cos we have our flaws too. but like, er, is it our fault that the printers are placed there and that there are so many wires and plugs in the living room? nothing to do with me wor... so ya best is to keep quiet and do what she wants you to do. so, cleared some of my stuff out of the living and dining room. and then retreated to my room.

9.10pm now, should go sleep.. dear God please help me get a good night's rest and replenish my sleep debt incurred yest... and take away my eye bags too... (oops so bimbo haha).

happy :) shall blog about the things i like and would love to pamper myself with another time... hahhaha....

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