Saturday, April 17, 2010

first service in a new location later! at 2 pm, which means i get to sleep in - thumbs up :D

but but but, i woke up at 7plus :( 15 mins to 11 now, and i'm feeling very tired. shall have a nap soon.. i must be getting old or something, cos i awoke with a back ache! liddat old already how?!?!

yesterday was one of the most relaxing and holiday-ish days ever since the diploma ended in mid feb. went to sentosa with baobao and his navy friends! been a long while since i went there.. going to sentosa and the beach brings to mind rj bandits, the few times we had outings there.. i wonder if we'll ever have another one? we're all so.. dispersed now, and it's sad how perhaps some are.. less uncomfortable with others. evolved relationships means a certain awakwardness? ah wells.

i hope to go to the beach at sentosa with baobao more often! and maybe learn how to play volleyball.. one of the international officers asked me what sports i do, and .. so embarrassing to reply actually nothing! i'm so bad at everything, need lots of practise and learning.. i guess at least i can say i am open to sports! have been wanting to learn tennis for a while.. but.. nobody to teach me. heh.

ever since i started work, i realised that the weekends are really far too short. cant rmmr who was it who was telling me if only 4-day work week was a reality. 3 days to rest and relax and recharge would be AweSoMe!! i guess what i reeeally need is more discipline to sleep more. i need to make better decisions, like doing things in advance and actively choosing to sleep earlier.

i want to go shopping! muahahaha. and i want to go sing k. hopefully with jacjac? if she manages to organise something next week.

my room's looking messy again. time for a clean-up... and time to start on the wardrobe overhaul.

1 comment:

jac jac said...

OH NOOOOO...were you waiting for me to organise something??? coz I remember sms-ing you that I could only do sunday that week, but didn't hear from you after so thought you weren't free :(

btw, if you don't mind running the risk of learning wrong techniques from a novice, I can "teach" you tennis!