Wednesday, April 18, 2007

heh. actually i meant to blog on sunday, but in the midst of my post, i was rushed off to my grandma's place, as we usually go visit her on sunday nights. and so i hurriedly shut down my computor, effectively deleting whatever i had written. ah wells! ~shrugs~

anyways, today's the 3rd day of school for me! and actually, today's also the first day of "proper" lessons, in the sense that we were really taught stuff in lectures today, and that today's modules were modules that are directly related to my diploma, which if u still dont know is ECH, otherwise known as Early Childhood Education. it might be too early to say for now, but after 3 days of school, i think i like the school, the pple, and the course of study. so yes, jialing is a happy girl in ngee ann (b4 the project datelines and tests and exams come that is.. muahaha... )

and, as many of you already know, i came down with high fever on tues. everything can be said to have started on monday night though. i was fine the entire day, but suddenly after cell grp had ended n i was just sitting on the floor, i felt very tired. and my head started to pound a little. (which it sometimes does) so i got my dad to come pick me up, and shun4 bian4 dropped hf n mp off too (saving mp her taxi $$$ too i might add! :P ) ok so i reached home, went to bed, and thruout the ard 2 hours that i was lying in bed semi awake, i cld feel that my body was very hot. finally got up from my semi-conscious sleep at 3 am and admitted to myself that i had fever. woke my maid up, she took care of me, applying a cold towel to my forehead at intervals... also took panadol and runny nose medicine... took the same medicine early in the morn, by which time my fever seemed to have subsided.. so i just rested in bed till 10 plus when i got ready to leave the house with my bro. we were gonna meet the smu peeps for k lunch! hehe.

to cut a long story short, i was feeling rather miserable in k box, the kind of cold yet hot kinda feeling, super horrible lah... left earlier at 145 to go to school. forced my miserable self thru a one hour IT and Applications lesson from 3 -4 pm, b4 which i conceded that i HAD to go see doc, n so called my dad to come pick me up from sch after my lesson n bring me go see doc ( i'm like some spoilt brat hor. good thing my dad is like my knight in shiny armour, coming to my rescue at times of need!) and thank God he was on leave that day so he cld come pick me up.

so i went to the doc, and... he took my temp. stuck that thermometer into my left ear. 40.5 degrees. erps. i was like... i dont believe... r u kidding?! so he said ok i take ur right ear also... and the reading was 40.6 degreees this time! well done. he wanted to give me an injection to bring down the fever but becos jialing here is scared of pain (aka injections), of cos i refused la. so he just gave me medicine lor. no antibiotics cos the fever's due to flu. and i was given a 3 days mc, from wed to fri. (ok actually, i requested for it hehe) he told me the fever will prob subside by thurs, and that i'll develop a cough... but GUESS WHAT??? the fever subsided on... THAT VERY NiGHT ITSELF!!! i attribute it to God's Grace, cos of all the prayers that friends said for me :) jialing is touched. jialing thanks all of you! ~big hug~ hehe =)

so, i was well enough to go to school today, for which i was very thankful. hee. hope u guys aint thinking to urself what a weirdo jialing is, can dont go school but choose to go to school. hahahaha. :P but really, if i had missed today's lessons, i would have missed quite a bit... might have resulted in me feeling lost... not a good feeling. heh. and oh, i bought my first textbook today! haha. and signed up for choir and dance sport. and collected my orientation goodie bag. and got to know more of my classmates. and ... volunteered to be class rep for intro to child development (cos no one had volunteered after a while n the teacher was getting impatient :P ) to conclude, i found lessons quite interesting! the lecturers seem very nice, and r quite funny too. :)

ok so that's that about school. on another note, if TOOT WEI WEI should read this, this is a shout out to you to thank you for my (super) belated 20th bday present. love it, bab... er sorry, i mean, auntie ;D didnt have time to thank you b4 u disappeared on msn just now... hope u're having fun in hospital. hehe. and, u really should go get a palm top! gonna miss you auntie... wonder how long till i next see you. hopefully can go uk visit you one day soon... hopefully... u better cook a fantastic meal for me then! haha. :)

and fi, yes i have lots of photos which i owe you, so sorry, when u're back i'll bring my laptop over to ur house n burn them all into a cd or something for you k? will be able to meet u more often cos ngee ann's pretty near buona vista! :) hope u're enjoying ur travels! haha. fidelia's travels. muahahaha :D

did i mention b4 that i love my cell group girls? hmm oh yes, i think i did b4, in a previous entry. so, just to reiterate, i love my cell grp girls!!! =)

did i mention that i love my boy boy? heh, ok not here i think, but really, he helps me in so many many ways, he has made himself -almost- indispensable in my life. *almost becos we are not to rely on Man but on God. :)

and now, let me just mention that i'm thankful for my Dad. tho really, i think i kinda have a love-hate relationship with him at times.

last but not least, i'm thankful for my cell grp leader, becos i can confide things in her that i wouldnt feel as comfortable confiding in others, partly becos she so willingly lets me and many others burden her with our troubles. becos she was such a comfort to me one night not long ago, listening to me confide one of my life's most complicated issues, and giving me sound advice... :)

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