Monday, April 9, 2007

the past week has been good :) so good i wish i had more time to play, and that sch wasnt starting so soon... in like a week's time. wonder what school will be like? hmmm... ~muses~

shall just post photos first n do a quick recap.

yest, easter sunday:
visited auntie ai ming in sgh, then rushed down to church for service... after which had lunch at crystal jade palace restaurant! cos dear joanna's back from New York. my darling cousin whom i see like... maybe once a year... :) we had a delicious lunch! the roast duck rocks man... i was positively gorging myself on it. ~grin~ after lunch, toured a lil ard city area with her n her bf joseph, courtesy of uncle geok sum and family plus car. heh. then it was tuition with jialiang 4 me at eunos (3rd lessons liaos haha.), after which i went to parkstone as per my weekly custom, to visit my grandma. and also to see uncle tim whilst he's still in spore. he's going back to perth alr! like tmr, i think :(

bummed at home in the morn, watching phoenix from the ashes... then it was dance from 1 - 3 pm, supposed to be from 1-4 pm, but i decided i was too tired for another lesson muahaha. made a friend, charlene. hehe :) first friend from dance! then roamed ard simei, where i bought some cool stuff in prep for zhiyang's bday... reached his house ard 5 plus with gordan, and laucnhed mission number 2. like mission number 1, it was very successful, tho that boy was pretty alert... BUT i was smarter, hiding further away so his line of vision would not reach me! :D stayed at his place with gordan and yanyeong till eleven plus, when my bro picked me up. hehe. dropped ai wei off at her house in tamp b4 going home... fun day! zhiyang's mum whipped up a feast for us man! and i got to try vodka, peach flavour, mixed with coke n ribena. heh. played bridge!!! my all time fave card game. thanks to sporting yy who went home to get poker cards. hee. oh yes it was my first time meeting yy too... who's joseph's lum classmate haha. took quite a few photos with them all :)

friday, good friday!
erm, right now can only rmmr going for service at night... and the successful cake smashing by meiping muahaha. i'm sure it was memorable for good ole joshua... :P

now i rmmr what i did on fri... cos thurs i went to wei's house in sentosa cove!!!! had a lovely 24 hours with her, from the time we met at abt 1 pm till the next day when she dropped me of at harbourfront... her parents are really nice folks too... and becos of wei, i got to get up close and personal with a 16 kg albino snake. cool stuff huh :P this is definitely one friend i wish i could see more than just one measley time a year when she flies back over the seas and oceans to tiny spore from scotland. toot wei wei ah... i'll miss you when you go off again. sighs.

can only rmmr jazz technique class and new sch hip hop class... got to know jing lin and charlene then.

erm. lets see. tuition with jialiang at night. oh and, went to court with meiping! so interesting. want to watch the whole case play out in court man...

no cell grp! supposed to go jie fang at the airport, but ended up having crocodile soup treat for dinner from meiping. anyway, she's supposed to save money the upcoming month by eating cheaply... meaning not more than $10 per meal... and not anyhow taking taxi :) met huiqing in the morn to collect pay from robinsons, queued up for donuts! which were given to fang, meiwen n family, and kor, ai wei, bk, sm. hehe. oh yes, got to see fang's niece, a happy happy adorable baby!!! :P

thats all for now. gotta rush for dance at 530. photos up another time! :)

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