Wednesday, May 16, 2007

i'm tired.

feel so sleep deprived... and yet, i wouldnt want to not do whatever i've been doing. but it makes me tired. how come ah? hais. just gotta pray that i dont forget my priorities, that my Lord will sustain me, and that somehow i'll repay my sleep debt.


korkor i still miss you. dont know if u'll see the comment i left in response to yours... if that's you. it is, right???


-fi- said...


hang in there girl :)

btw, i'll be back in a month's time! :)

-fi- said...

or less than that actually ;P

rivers27 said...

oh really?!?!?! YAY!!! oh yes but i think i wont be in spore when u come back... so sad cant go airport with banners to herald your return. hehe :P ur exams over yet? JIAYOU!!! :D

-fi- said...

WHY won't yu be in singapore!!!! when will you be back then? :( :( meeeow. don't need to pick me up but i want to meet yu!! roooar.

i'll be reaching on the 16th!

exams start tmr!! 21st may :S raaah.

Anonymous said...

jialing,muz have enuf rest k?i bet the flowers sale muz have deprived u of some slp.hehe.take care.hugz.continue to update ur blog.cos im not in spore to noe wat exactly is going on in wah wah's life.hehe.muackz