Thursday, December 13, 2007

slip sleep slip

it's very bad, the way i morph from baby to normal to baby again. really a baby.. i really have quite lousy ______. can't believe how i let myself wallow in ______... so unhealthy. it's not helping me that's for sure. i dont want a third time!

anyway, it's amazing that its 3.51 am and i'm still in the kind of non sleepy state that i seem to be in for quite a few days already.. is that what stress does to you? i slept ard 330 am last night too and woke up 3.5 hours later... went to school my classmate said didnt look like i slept so late/little.. cos i'm just in that constant state... i never knew i could last on so little sleep yet be not tired physically it appears... there's something wrong with my brain man.

on another note, some people have been sweet and conforting. thank you :)

Sunday, December 9, 2007

there's nothing, yet there's something, maybe everything wrong

dont ask me, i dont know what to say... ask God to tell you then you can tell me and.. we'll see how from there. haha.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

last night :
i'm supposed to be working on a project now, but obviously i'm not. heh.

it doesnt matter that i didnt work on it my friends also dont appear to have and there's a 5 hour break from 11 to 4 for us to work... lol.

a reality of life is that sometimes one can't go to the toilet as much as one desires, meaning cant drink as much water as i otherwise would. alone in the library now, so each time i go to the toilet i'll have to pack everything and bring with me... or at least, my laptop. how inconvenient is that can... heheh.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

guess what's this... answer revealed at the end. ;)
late night trip to the airport to see 2 lovely ladies off.

answer: Pris' boots which she finally gets to wear cos of winter time in yunnan... so if u want to be able to 名正言顺-ly wear boots, go yunnan in dec. LOL

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

some time ago i suddenly thought of those short periods in cameron highlands and in fraser's hill... and i wish i could experience that kind of feeling again. there's just something which i can't quite place into words that i long for about those times.. maybe a bit of everything, the place, the people, the setting... it was church camps when i was attending st andrew's cathedral. in dec 2002 and 2003 i believe. so long ago... and that's when i got to know my 妹.. whom at this point of time i have somewhat drifted apart from. i guess we were never close-close, yet we did have some sort of regular contact. used to read her blog pretty often. i rmmr how in jc days i would check her blog each time i went to the comp lab. lol. just read her blog just now and somehow felt a tinge of sadness..

i dont make as much effort as i used to before. maybe partly after these 2 years too, i tend to keep more to myself.

went to visit wailing at bukit panjang on impulse after project meeting this morn! had lunch with her at food court - ban mian and mee hoon kuey! waiwai laughed at me when she saw my tears from eating red chilli... ahahha. weiwei n xh used to laugh at me for tearing too when eating laksa in the rgs canteen :P it was quite funny how amused waiwai was. but the chilli was super hot!! i wiped away quite a bit of tears hurhur.

FINALLY attended my first dance lesson for this month. (my month starts from 11th of each month to the 11th of the next month) i'm wasting my $$$ for not going for dance! it's partly cos my right knee was hurting some time back.. quite pain when going up and down stairs.. now it's ok thank God! :)

Thursday, November 22, 2007

isnt my polar bear cute? lol. i painted it ok! it's erm, chinese painting. the past week was e-learning week, so no lessons except for 1 at 8 am on monday morn :X but on wed, thurs n fri, there was RED camp for sec sch students to come get a feel of ngee ann... the sec students were taught to paint that courtesy of the Chinese Studies department of the School of Humanities. i painted it on wed while helping out. thought of my yunnan kids again as i painted.. wonder how they are. miss 3 boys and 2 little girls in particular. all of whom i have no way of direct contact. if only they all had hps!!!

it's sunday afternoon, watching The Unbeatables on tv now :) i love this show... heheh. so exciting to watch last time. 1st episode today, hope can follow the whole series! cant rmmr what happened in the show alr, was sooo long ago that it was first shown.

thanks for all the concern, pple :)

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

i wonder if my day would have been any different had i gone to meet fi at the appointed time of 10 am this morn instead of succumbing to my laziness enhanced by the rain. not that my day's over yet, in fact i;ve more than half the day left.. but at this rate, i can see myself wasting time away and feelin crappy at the end of the day.

for some unknown strange reason, feeling a bit blue. that's why i've been trying to keep from being home alone in a way. so ironic that it's my free day yet.. hmm.. haiyah nvm.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

jialing feeling sad... again. hahahahahahahaha.

hmmmm. is it mood swinging? or is it something more deep.

i guess i can only get the answer from one source right.

it's so encouraging to see the faith others have, like the lian huas, but it also leaves me feeling like why arent i like that cos i dont think i am.

on a seperate, i have decided to eat my rice again :)
maybe eating rice will keep my stomach happy enough to not eat lots of other rubbish! although after my vegetable rice today i ate waffle (yum yum!) then tao huey with the girls :) i think this was only my 2nd time eating tao huey supper with them...

eh dont know if it's bad of me lah but i hope the girl rents the master bedroom.. hahaha... then i can see my waiwai again and this time go see her off! :)

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

backdated photos

rachel came to find us at lucky chinatown where we k-boxed with yanping! signed min's card then i rmmr. haha.

they dont want to take photo! but i still took anyway ;)

a mixture of expressions.

happiness is contagious :)

the same person whose hand reached out in the following pic pretending to be about to give minmin a bath.. or was it to extingish the bday candle... min min looks cute with one eye open!

no prizes for guessing who's hand that was who reached out to cho-chok minmin during her bday dinner...

yep mini gathering at jurong bird park 2+ years down the road!

3 pretty ladies! oops sorry, i think 3 tired ladies sound more apt :)

group photo after we 'changed appetites' at marina square

happy birthday to my lian hua jie jie! hahhaa ok i mean happy birthday rachel! i bet if spanny had been there she would have gobbled down the rest of your ice cream cake for you hehe :D

the proud owner of a handsome red car... presenting the kiddudette! who's erm promoting green grapes. healthy lifestyle mah.

my cousin's attempt to cook orh luak! 2 attempts. and thats the eel she bought to microwave.. i was terribly amused that she and her sis ate bits of it first before dinner so that it was served 1/3 gone!

guess who's that... and guess what's being cooked...

sim kim hui aka shen jin fay aka golden concubine being her usual self ;)

dont the girls look so so soo high? haha. the aftermath of celebrating annie's birthday at sakae sushi... well more laughter is always good :)

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

everything in moderation..

i over-indulged in chocolates today.

i have like.... NO SELF CONTROL. this is bad. preposterous!

so even though chocolates is supposed to make you happy... over-doing it leaves u feeling glum. cos i'm now mentally kicking myself inside for not stopping. i ate one to try the taste... then i continued... and continued... AND CONTINUED A LOT MORE TIMES... and then i even proceeded to take out the ferrero rocher from zhiyang's mum and feasted on them as well... finally stopped myself from finishing off the last 2 when yanpng and dj msn-ed me n i decided i should reply and not be tao. so i stopped in time to begin feeling guilty enough to not continue eating...

the harm's already been done. everything in moderation!!!! MISSS WAH!!!!
*bish* ---- a box from myself to myself.


ok sorry for that long winded passage. it actually isnt the highlight of my day. highlight was cabbing to braddell to pick up Pastor Deng then going down to Wisma Food Republic for lunch with him, jinfay n pris, with wailing joining us later. then taking mrt then cab with him and pris to city harvest at the ulu west side of singapore (in pris's words, that's not spore, thats an island OFF spore... ) and since we were already in such an ulufied place, we decided to visit 江伟哥哥in nearby ntu.

Thank God for the girls man! and esp 大姐大 pris... :) who took charge in ordering food (yummy north indian cuisine as recommended by dearest fang! what a pity i didnt snap any pictures. worth going to again! plus, no service charge!!!!!) and kept Ps Deng entertained during the mrt and cab ride. had a nice n interesting conversation with home on the looooooooong way home from ulu "island" ntu. lol. oh yes, and we got to see where yippy's hostel is. oh dear, typing "yippy" reminds me of zhu ming jie... becos he always sang the yippy wah wah song... got to see yippy's 2005 yep photos today too, cos he had the original memory card in his hostel room.

miss my kids. i wonder when i will get the chance to go mountain climbing with them...

stomach still feeling bloated. if only i could prick a hole and let all the chocolate ooooooooooooze out.


Sunday, October 7, 2007

the smile on my heart

feeling happy :) spoke briefly to 国宝 just now :) he has a hp now so he's contactable! this makes up for not getting to see him this year. i will trust that there will be future opportunities to meet him and the others whom i'm miss :)

am touched that you initiated praying together for this 3 weeks. it's rather special and i'm just... touched by the significance :) goes to show how far we've come since that one day 2 years ago as we sat on the steps outside chinese garden mrt :)

really want to go for a short short holiday! just one day or a weekend away... i shall anticipate a one day malaysia trip, hope it really comes to pass :)

1 more week of hols till a new school term starts! i must NOT be as last min in doing projects as i was last term... no more working thru the night and freaking out half way and ponning lessons the next day, thankew very much. better time management Ms Wah! each time i panic my boyboy suffers with me. poor dear!

i'm really very lazy to chat on msn la... so today is quite rare cos i spoke to shuen and angeline online. heheh.

Friday, September 28, 2007

28 Sept 2007

i miss them a lot, suddenly, these days. maybe it's the rushing through of letters last night. as i wrote, it made me think - when would i get to see them again, if ever? and just now i thought to myself, why are they special and different from the other groups of people in my life? the answer i've arrived at for now is that towards them, i give so much less comparatively, yet ther response (if it is to be totally believed ) is unproportionately more... the brackets indicate some sense of cynicism in me i guess, the usual jadedness in an avergae person, because it seems somewhat unbelievable to me that they can miss me as much as they claim to in letters or in person. ok actually, that was in reference to 1 specific letter la.. cos it was very unexpectedly touching considering i never thought i was missed all along that much to that person as claimed in the letter. lol. and the human insecure side of me (i suppose) worries that i may eventually at some point care for them more than they care for me.

aiyah. a couple of jumbled up thoughts regarding all this in me which i find it difficult to isolate and sort out nicely to express out here in words. let's just leave it at this - i miss them.

maybe it's cos it's nice to be loved?

the other thing is, will these feelings interfere with the real reason as to why i should be going back. or perhaps these 2 are intricately linked (at least for me)

heart pain ah! my boyboy has neverending torrents of work to do, things to study, essays to write... so xin ku lor. really 不好玩 one. must sayang him more. he's soooo cute though. hehe.

rachel is cute too. she's so playful! so funny and really entertaining in her own way. the things she laughs at. hurhur. :)

shuling was in a denim skirt tonight!!!! wah blue moon lor. shushu looks nice in a skirt lor, should really wear skirt more often :) oh yes, she's cute too. :P

my cousin is cute as well! she's one of a kind. wonder how she and josie are doing over there with each other for company. birds of the same feather flock together. i'm sure it'll be an interesting experience for both of them :P

Blessed 28th birthday, Minmin! :)

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

let me rant..

about the silly unbearable disgustingly HOT and HUMID weather in the day... i prefer the night time anytime man. or please, send more clouds to block the sun... more wind too... the heat makes me too grouchy to do anything la! i just sit and fidgit and scratch and blergh

about growing older and more forgetful and more passive (LAZY) and taking less initiative! i forgot my mei's birthday. and my mei's mei as well. kexian and keying who are 20 and 19 respectively, whom i got to know in St Andrew's Cathedral which i attended when i was in jc... hais. i feel so... lousy big sister that i am. why have i become so lazy??? it just struck me that her birthday was yest, cocincidentally she shares the same bday as fang... the day which i spent the bulk of my time doing fang's card. and i dont take the initiative to ask pple out already mostly. somehow just bumming around mostly... bad steward of my time...

about all the things i should be doing and wanted to do and planned to do during the hols which seem to be slipping away faster then i imagined. i should get down to writing letters to my xiangbi kids and sorting out the photos to print for them! but its the stupid heat la, gets me too flustered and uncomfortable to do anything. excuses excuses... all the books that i should be reading... bible... school text.. all the things i should be sorting out and organizing.. my room... my wardrobe! i just keep procrastinating cos i dont feel like doing! lazy bag of bones la.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

actually, i am quite anti-social. oops...

too passive and inert these days. hmm... i need activation energy!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

a normal day it was, but suddenly a tinge of sadness seeped in, from i dont know where... lol.

maybe it's a combination of things. like Rach's daddy. and Wai's leaving. and... a jumbled up lonely-missing-people feeling. haha.

i owe pple lots of photos. again. hahaha. soon... soon...

tomorrow will be a better day. i will run to Him, not away! (now it's just a matter of when i will start moving my heavy legs)

Saturday, July 21, 2007

late night talk

in the midst of re-watching "my date with a vampire 2"... it's so addictive.. although i've watched it 2 times b4, i just still want to keep on watching. its really my fae series man :) and the songs are all so nice but sad...

its 1 am, i should stop as i planned to and go do qt then sleep! allowed myself to watch just now cos was having my supper. heh. rotiprata and bread with the prata curry! yum :) bought it on my way home just now, after watching SMU's Eurthymic Urban Pulse dance concert at vistoria theatre, then hanging around with jc classmates. and how cool la, we bumped into ZIWEI and MELVYN!!!! haha. i shrieked when i saw ziwei. what good timing too, i caught her just b4 she's to leave to go back to melbourne tmr afternoon! :) and quite nice catching up with melvyn too. shall wait for him to organise gathering when SM n ye rong are back... althought lionel has gone back to canberra. ah wells!

oh and. bumped into KUAN YEE on the mrt home! hahaha. had a short short chat then i alighted alr.

i should get started on my projects soon b4 i'm scrambling for time again...

Our Princess Annie is finally back from Perth!!! :P hehe.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

and i thought i had nothing to write

nothing much to say it feels, except that i got C+ for my very first project in Ngee Ann, for the module Play and Motor Skills Development for Children. and then my parents went for some parents teachers forum and met some of my teachers.

and my teacher told me my parents are very concerned(worried?) about me. and she went, "so should they be? " well of course not man. i know how to manage my time. i think. but really, school this first term is SUPER SLACK. i'm not kidding.

anyway, actually the past few days have been quite happening.

we learnt how to use dreamweaver in IT prac class on friday! after which i went for dance class, was very early so went shopping. spent S$25. on 5 items. heh. slept very late ie almost 3 am, very naughty of me, cos i was watching i have a date with a vampire 2. will not do this again, not in school term. i need my sleep!

saturday, had mission trip meeting in church. went for dance, then had tuition. then... family buffet dinner!!! oh man, good stuff ok. korkor you should have been here... with you around i'm sure we'll make the meal more worth our while :P we went to paramount (at marine parade) which is a restaurant opened by tung lok grp so similar concept to noble house. menu slightly diff, think uncle tim they all prefer noble house cos of the prawns. at paramount they restricted the amount of prawns we could order. oh quite cool cos got 4 of the 7 Loh siblings present.. yao bang was there too, he flew off back to perth that night after dinner though. OH! and apparently he likes to sing k too! so when he's back again at of the year we should all have another Loh family ktv outing at the ten dollar club... :)

which reminds me, kbox now has your favourite 如果的事 :)

i enjoyed dinner with the realtives a lot! and ate till super full too! had a good time interacting with the cousins and snapping photos of grandma... this time we told her first that it was an ala carte buffet. LOL. photographic "evidence" up another time!

sunday, went to church, then CET (christian education and training) which ended early, went macs found goldfish, and decided to go sim lim with her! :)shopped for her router with her, then shopped ard bugis. darn jialing is broke. heh. met my dear boyboy for dinner and went to fish and co for our makan. expensive! but it'll orib be the only time this year tha't i'll go there with him so... let fish n co earn a bit of our $$$$ la. nice fishy ambience it was :) ~winks~

then he brought me on my "spree"! i ask you, where can you find a boyboy like mine who still wants to bring me to shop when i already shop so much on my own?!?! i tell you, this boy is a real gem :) the way he indulges me is.. amazing. but i dont just love him for only all these k. heh heh :)

monday. met m darling CLARE!!! oh gosh it's been ages since i saw her or spoke to her man. we had brunch at food republic (me lunch, her breakfast). then had to rush off for school alr, wasnt late ok!!! hahaha. entertaining lesson in which we watched snow white. slack lesson la. after lesson went for dance at 5.30, then went to goldfish's house where zhiyang already was in his valaint attempt to fix the router for her. finally got to meet fish's family! her mephew is quite adorable actually. though i can see how he might be a real terror at times. wells all kids have their angelic side and not so angelic side, just like us adults anyway :P

yesterday! tuesday! supposed to be quite packed in the evening with tuition n meeting ws, in the end tuition changed to tonight, yesterday just spent it with ws in jurong east! we watched harry potter. haha. ok la. i prefer reading the book. :P

today... 2 lectures, 11-1, 2-5, the 2nd one always ends early ard 4 plus but thats good i have no complains ;) going for dance from 5.30-7.30. the tuition. will make tuition a short one cos quite late n wanna reach home asap to call my zhiguo in china!!! his "O" level results out today.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

k-boxing on sun night!

it's eleven plus and we hurriedly get a photo taken before rushig for last train home!


just look at how into the song my classmate gets as he emotes... heheheh
met my boyboy at jurong point for dinner on friday, and we bumped into Mr Christopher Tan, his j2 chem teacher! hahaha.

my shirt is from xiangyun!!!

my twin, my fave fish, me, and pris! hanging out at macs after prayer meeting where jason gave a testimony about our M trip .... pris was very funny when i was talking to zhiyang on the phone! oh yes, and she and her hot fudge sundae haha

we love crystal jade's plain porridge!

this is my darling fifididilooloo who was missing in action for 9 months as she 风流快活 in uk! hahah ok kidding my dear, no offence :) glad you had such a great overseas exchange experience! see i knew u would enjoy yourself.. rmmr how apprehensive u felt before u left? :) ~hugs~

girls in black

this is my favourite fish and we are in one of my favourite places... standing in front of one of my favourite things... =)

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

its 9 pm. my project is due at 2 pm tmr. i have a 11-1 am lesson tmr before the project dateline. AND.

i still have my interpretation of the observational record to do.
plus the intro, conclusion, and recommendations to enhance physical development to do.
not forgetting, need to edit the analysis of individual finding and similarities and differences.

that basically leaves me with pretty much THE WHOLE PROJECT to do.

well done jialing!

i never fail to amaze myself with my last minute-ness. sigh.

tonight... dont need to sleep liao. unless a miracle happens cos of all the prayers( from fishes and all) and i am actually productive and efficient!

i wish...

Monday, July 9, 2007

i really need God's peace now man. first thing waking up in the morning already felt very unsettled, some funny feeling in me, like a bit disturbed liddat. maybe cos think of the project then sian... plus realise not much time left so really got to buck up! and also. had a queer dream. actually not v queer la.. just that.. the setting was kinda strange.

i was apparently at some resort or hotel or something, room mate was my cousin, and it was gonna be check out time soon and i was just packing my stuff. and there was a lot of stuff, weird little random items here and then to be packed. and halfway thru as i packed the next occupants of the room arrived and stood at the door watching me pack as they waited. and i was just trying to pack everything properly cos got so mnay things all over the place.

something liddat la. anyway it left me feeling unsettled.

plus cos feeling very tired.. dont wanna wake up. really just wanna continue sleeping. had to force myself out of bed and turned on the lights. and had the brainwave of calling my boyboy. after talking to him, felt better, and at least more awake too. so yups. heh.

just had a big breakfast of VEG, bee hoon, a bowl of expensive stuff, and now eating fruits and drinking pu erh cha, then still got my soya bean in the fridge! my mum was just emphasizing again how i must drink at least 2 cups of soya milk a day. for my required calcium intake ma... (fishy stop laughing! u need calcium too lor. :D )

today's fast is from 8 - 4.. jiayou fish! jiayou doorbell! we can overcome that hunger man. actually yest quite cool, intended 7 hour fast stretched to 12 hour fast, goldfish n i were RAVENOUS when we finally ate dinner. we basically ATTACKED our 菜饭. and she the small stomach girl actually finished her food before me lor! ME leh. and her leh. woah. she must have been starving. (haha ok yes i know she was actually. we were both starving in jason's house. heh. where our wondeful host had not enough water to satisfy me. hahaha)

AND. wah.. they were looking at golden concubine's yunnan photos on facebook.. i wanted to see the photos too.. but was trying to do that silly project.. wonder when i'll have time to go and figure out that facebook n upload photos there. hur hur.

i really like the lyrics of You Alone...

because He is the peace that guards my heart
and also my help in time of need
plus the hope that leads me on and brings me to my knees
and before Him, i find release.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

hahaha. was gonna type that the sheep and the fish are talking, but then their conversation just ended. just as well, cos i have limited free outgoing! hurhur.

can u figure out who those 2 animals are? muahaha! :D

ok am sitting in macs at aljunied. sitting by myself cos need to charge my lappy. and fish is like 2.5 m away at a big table supposedly studying (cos i was disturbing her then i went over and we were talking and haha whatever hopefully whatever she's studying is getting in!). today is sunday. sermon today was good! the message was really preached boldly. i salute Rev Chng man! :) and it was also a mesage that reinforced what i've been feeling recently. about our thought life. cos ever since i saw the verse in chinese "应当一无挂虑,只要凡事借着祷告,祈求和感谢,将你们所要的告诉神。神所赐出人意外的平安,在基督耶稣里保守你们的心怀意念。" my heart's prayer has been that God help me guard my thoughts and my mind. firstly how cos from the past 2 years, its very clear that there are times when i'm really super vulnerable and just get defeated by all the unhealthy thoughts. i really dont want to go through that kind of period again. so yups. and secondly... haha that's for me to know and for you to guess. :P

but anyway. it was a really good message. and haha, when Rev Chng spoke about the verse "whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable --- if anyting is excellent or praiseworthy --- think about such things." jingyu and i just gave each other that -look- :) haha. ok actually we're always giving each other that look. :P i aim to memorise that verse in english and chinese! Yeah!

i realise... that i've been coming to aljunied macs everyday for the past 3 days! this is the fourth consecutive day man. see what i mean, it's really becoming a second home.

my brother is deciding btw poland, switzerland and france for his exchange. haha. i havent seen the info of the diff unis so cant give him any advice. but no matter where he chooses to go, i'll still benefit! muahaha. cos this thought just occured to me a while ago. that i can go visit him when he's on exchnage! thats prob like one of the only good things of the weird poly school term.. cos when i'm on holiday he's in school, and vice versa. so this time when he's overseas on exchange, it'll be my holiday and i can go visit him! HURRAY!!! :D

on fri when my dad kindly picked me up from macs, he was talking to me in the car. haha. that i'm seldom at home, so hard to have time to talk to me, except when we're in the car haha like when he picks me up etc. oops. it's really quite true... ah wells.. on usual weekdays i'll be home maybe 9 plus on average cos most of the time i'll try to go for dance ma. must utilise my dance package u see. n if i dont go dance its prob cos meeting pple or something else. so in any case i still reach home late. so heh. and weekend.. hmm. sometimes meet pple, church, spend time with ws. so. yups. oh but yest i was at home most of the time. did talk a lil with my mum. oh, this morning also got chat with her! over breakfast. i only rmmr us talking abt ws. haha. my mum says u must come over more often so that she can talk to u! she says u very quiet hahahha :)

a friend of mine going thru a very difficult period now.. she's feeling very guilty and ashamed of herself. pray for her ok? not able to give more details tho. paiseh.

hungry... must pray must pray! :) oh! have i mentioned that i bought the chinese version of purpose driven life? how cool.. i like to read a chinese book once in a while, and what can be better than reading a chinese christian book? :) actually i wanted to buy 2 books lor. but my boyboy restrained me saying i shld buy 1 first, finish that, then buy the other 1. not as if the book will run away. and instead if i buy 2 i may end up not reading both. heh. so me being the good girl, only bought 1! :)

oh oh, mama fang brought her tuition kid to chruch.. a 22 year old korean kid... i really should get to know him! he can teach me korean. muahaha.

ok ok, i ought to get down to work.. my child development project!

Friday, July 6, 2007

i want to talk to zhi guo... hais...

its sat morning 10.21 am, i ought to have gotten started on my project cos by right i should finish it and email it to my project grp mates in a few hours time so that they can do the comparison part and then email back to me to do the recommendations part... BUT. i cant even bring myself to get started. slacking is so nice. and dont know why, just feel like there hasnt been enough time to slack for some reason or another. to really just bum in my room. but isnt that sloth? oops. heh.

been rushing all over the place this past few days. which i actually really dont mind, i'm also utilising my 4 mrt trips everyday! hur hur hur. my dear has gone on a weekend sailing trip, so u all wont see him in service on sunday :( hence met him for a quick dinner at jurong point last night. b4 mrt-ing down to aljunied, which is ma-cham my 2nd home now feels like i keep going there.met the fish! :) then got a distressing call... talked to ling, the lady who employed me in feb to teach chinese in childcare centres once a week 1.5 hours. only worked for her like a few times tho. but she's a very nice lady, very kind nature and trusting personality. and now... she's facing immense guilt and shame. hais.

i bought a chinese book! the chinese version of purpose driven life. the one i bought was printed in taiwan. hehe. the next time i go china i'll buy it there for my kids. saw that there's a china edition too, its like 25 yuan, but Life bkshop is selling it for $16.90!!! AHHH!!! ex leh.

i cant stand it when pple (ok i mean 1 specific person) always either takes forever to reply sms or doesnt reply. grrrrr.

i've been snacking a lot this past week... so sad... i must develop discipline and resistance to over-indulging in food. i MUST. heh.

still dont feel like starting on my project... sheesh...

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

can u hear my stomach growling...


and i'm sitting in the canteen now some more.

well at least, the worst of the hunger pangs is over. just now during child development lecture it was... really horrible ah, being both food deprived AND sleep deprived. but lecture was super slack. its officially a 3 hr lect but which always ends half an hour early. today, it ended like 50 minutes early! well done man.

anyway, i have 6 tutukueh in front of me. 3 coconut n 3 peanut. n i can only eat them at 8 pm! s0o for now i'm just smelling them. maybe some ttk atoms r going into my body and nourishing it anyway. heh.

ok, i need to study for IT test and do my project!!!

oh but, meeting fifififi for dinner tmr. for plain porridge at crystal jade kitchen in PS. cos i love their plain porridge which is most value for money too, it seems to me. of cos i also like their roast duck. but thats for another time. jialing is broke this month. the $200 my mum gave me seems to have almost totally evaporated into i dont know where... well if i fast the whole month... i wont need the $$$ anyway! haha kidding.

AND. this is the stressful part. august has too many pples birthdays la!!! why are so many of you born in august?! grr. and thats when i'll have my exams too. hmm that means i have to start early! and thats not my forte. i'm good at procrastinating man, so so good. like i'm good at shopping too. which reminds me... i MUST make myself keep track of expenditure next time i'm overseas.. at least then i'll know exactly how much i spent on shopping and so how guilty to feel. hurhur.

my boyboy's not feeling well! want to sayang him.

wailing's bday yest! had a great time celebrating with her. tho most of the time i felt quite 手忙脚乱。thank God for joshua who gentlemanly carried my "combat equipment" for me to tanjong rhu and then to dinner and even ran to buy wrapping paper for waiwai... :)

ok. lets see if i can get to meet the fish b4 dance! woohooo!!! :P

Monday, July 2, 2007

today's 2nd july! it's CHIO WEIWEI's 21st birthday muahaha... happy appy birthday you poot! :) i hope u get the stuff i sent you on time... love ya babe :)

tmr's 3rd july! waiwai's bday dinner at night with all of us hehe.

today's monday. and. i arrived 13 min late for my functional english lesson at 1 pm. but my teacher said it was more than 15 mins late so i'll be marked absent plus she was giving the class some open book test and unless i come on another day to join another class, i'll be marked absent n given 0 for the test. heh. so i';ll be going on thurs. but it effectively meant thta i went to sch for nothing. haha. then again. because of that i could sort out photos for printing n tada! i have printed 163 photos from my china trip so far! still have lots more to print. to much alr la, i got to be more selective abt which ones i'll print out :P

today is also the first of 3 days of exams for my beloved xiangbi kids... (sheesh they're actually like 4-5 years younger than me n here i am calling them kids) am keeing them in prayer.. really hope they're ok and not stressing themselves out.. esp my dear boy zhiguo...

and. today's the start of 40 days of fasting. was so hungry ard 2 plus today!!! heh.

okay thats all for now. hope we all enjoy dinner tmr! i'm sure we will... and most impt hope our dear waiwai enjoys herself n likes her bday present! hehe :)

the void left by death.

feels like i havent blogged in a while, i wonder why... perhaps cos there have been things happening but i havent been penning them down so... somehow just not in the mood. not really in the mood now also actually, but am blogging to let out some thoughts...

my studiowu dance teacher is dead. his name is Ishi Lau, and he was one cool talented guy and dancer.. i always enjoyed his lessons n thought he was a pretty nice friendly funny guy. plus i find that guys who can dance have a certain charisma that i admire. okay, actually i just admire dancers la.

today is monday. i learnt the news on fri afternoon, while waiting for IT prac lesson to begin. my classmate melise, who has attended studiowu dance lessons b4 n who thus also knows ishi, got a call from her friend who was crying and who said that ishi died. was in disbelief, cos really, it sounded v fantastic. and after all, i had just seen ishi two days ago on wed for new school hip hop. only after melise's friend said that she had confirmed it with studiowu that i called studiowu and yes... ishi is indeed... gone...

i cant believe i'll never see him again. never be taught by him again.

i wish i had dared to talk to him before, or even to take photo with him. but i didnt cos i didnt want to seem as just another fan or something. after all he's a very popular guy with some fame to his name from his superband days... he was part of SOUL. now i'll never get a chance to talk to him again. and. he wsnt a christian...

from time to time i'll think of him... the first few days i'll imagine him in the car, and i'll wonder how he felt then.. i guess from his blog i had gathered that he's a pessismistic guy and all, but i just never expected him to commit suicide. cos really, to me and many others, he's a talented young man with his whole future ahead of him.

and i still clearly remember him saying at the end of that lesson on wed, that he'll continue to teach this song for the next few weeks and too bad for those who dont like lyrical hip hop... i cant believe he went to kill himself a few hours after that...

so. that's that. in a way, i have many questions i wanna ask ishi. guess i can only wait till in future when i can ask God about him.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

dance n thoughts

went for dance lesson again yesterday after more than 2 weeks cos was either preparing for china or in china :) and guess who i met there? Sarah Li! my sec 3-4 classmate. i still rmmr being very touched when she gave me a box of chocolates for V Day in sec 3. hehe. anyway, she was there for jazz technique n jazz class by Cheila, who is this very lovable instructor. and it turned out to be sheila's bday yesterday too. haha!

somehow during the lesson, i was thinking if only i could send my boy for dance lessons. (ok there is a difference btw my boy and my boyboy. too bad if u dont get what i mean :P) its like... i rmmr how when i saw him perform a dance item with de yue and another person 2 years ago, i was very impressed. and since then, i've always been wanting to watch him dance again... when i saw him this time though, he was too shy to dance. haha. said he hasnt been practising for very long, that he'll dance for me next time i go back. so. haha i shall look forward to seeing him dance next time! ok the main point is.. i think my boy has a lot of talent! if only i could pay for dance lessons for him... hip hop style that is. who knows, he may even become more famous than Rain with the right grooming can! tho for his size right now, my boy still needs to grow. haha. he's only about my height at the age of 17! and he's so skinny!

ok back to spore... i usually dont go for jazz class cos its advanced beginners and i alr struggle with jazz technique. cant pirourette properly :( yest as i waited for sarah to be done in jazz class, i was so mesmerized by the dance choreo... they were dancing to the Music n Lyrics song, Way back into love... and it was really super super nice... i also want to learn... hais...

jialing has always admired dancers/gymnasts etc. i just really enjoying watching them. i'll always rmmr the rhythmic gymnast competition when i was sec 4 and kah hua n i went to watch the RG team... all so nice... oh and haha guanyou is a gymnast leh! i wanna see that guy do soe stuns :P

my school holidays officially start from 23 Aug till 14 Oct! but hopefully they start earlier than that. they start when my exams end. n i only have 2 papers, but i dont know when they are yet! GRRRR. but b4 i can looking forward to end of school anyway, i still have 4 projects to do... hur hur... and some tests here and there... n i should go figure out all those IT stuff in IT lesson... how to use that Access thingy and all...

i have some impt things to do now. but i just feel like nua-ing. darn. how?

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

a part of me still wandering ard in xiangyun..

it seems to me that usually, when people return from abraod, they'll say that it's good to be back. (then again, there are the exceptions, like miss ho shu ling who is a happy woman in belgium :P )

i arrived back in singapore last night after ard 9 days in china. unfortunately, it didnt really feel all that good to be back. felt like part of me had been left in china. i cant believe i'm back in spore, and having to worry over silly (haha) things like projects!? it was just 2 days ago when i ws still in xiangyun... the days just passed so quickly... i cant wait to go back. i keep thinking of calling the people there, which i shouldnt cos i think i'll scare them muahaha.

one of the highlights would be discovering a special bond with a certain girl. it seems that each trip i get to know someone better in a unique way. church camp was jinfei. this time... hahaha... *bubble bubble bubble*

will write more about the trip another time. right now, i miss my xiao didi. haha. really, if i could choose a younger brother, i would want 2, one would be zhi guo, the other, guobao. and if i could choose a little sister, i would want one just like xiao po. one of my deepest desires fuflilled in getting to see 2 out of my 3 faves this time round. and at least i received a letter from my third fave! and it was so poignant visiting xiangbi again... i could gladly do without their abundance of houseflies there though.

on the material side, i wish i could go for hair wash/blow cum half body massage cum simple facial cum clean ears now!!! and all for the grand sum of.... 15 YUAN!!! thats like slightly over S$3 ok. its like. super cheap. gosh!

and dont ask me how much i spent on shopping... because i am the self proclaimed undisputed shopping queen. wait till i do my sums n find out exactly how much i spent on clothes n stuff for myself first. i bought quite some stuff for relatives and family and my boyboy ok!!! heh.

will be keeping you guy n 4 girls in prayer. Dear God please also heal my beloved cousin from the bites of that horrible bedbug!

homework time. blergh. haha. (",)

Thursday, June 14, 2007


tomorrow! tomorrow tomorrow.... tomorrow i fly!

excited! expectant!

lotsa things to do b4 tmr though :)

Monday, June 4, 2007

Photo journal! :)

hmm... now u see us, now you dont... :P
us and our dearest Pastor! :)

us at breakfast on sat morning :)

we are the sunshine girls! anyway, that's my beloved roomie n me!

the 3 of us. in bed... hahaha! :D
what is jinfei trying to do to wailing?!?!?!
me plus jinfei's little bro :P

jolene n i! not sure how to spell her name. i think she has very striking features, very pretty in this photo too! can do a teeth commercial lor. hehe.

qinying and her victory sign! after she scored a stirke during bowling, that steady girl! :)
i think this photo is very very nice!!! :)

the 3 of us in the wilderness! haha!
that's us on friday afternoon during inter region games! unfortunately region 1 was last. haha.
that's us eating the secret recipe cakes i bought from jusco! :) i love secret recipe cakes! i bought SIX SLICES! muahaha... there was tiramisu, no trans fats peach cream, chocolate banana, classic chesse, raspberry cheese, and americano. i tell u i could have easily bought 8 or 9 slices, just that caution held me back cos i was sure the girls wouldnt be able to finish the cakes.. n jialing has become more weight conscious hehe. so yeaps. as it turned out, most only ate a little bit then sat back to watch tv! so jinfei n i helped to finiish the cakes. AND. we didnt finish them! left littles bits here n there. haha :P

the five of us! we rock! =)
that's the whole gang who went bowling the first time round! us 5 girls, plus jinfei's mum and bro, jian sheng, and deborah and another little boy i assume is her brother... :P

my prince and i! hehehe :) now my prince's stuck in tuas naval base... :(

that's the bouquet of roses i did for my mum! it has super a lot of roses, though not visible from this angle. and it has both red and champagne roses.. the champagne ones smelt lovely! :) korkor! this bouquet is the one i "persuaded" you to buy k... so i paid for u first...

a collage i did for chris.. my boyboy's buddy, through whom i met a dear girlfriend, clarissa! that's us and the good times we shared :)