Sunday, April 1, 2007

all these photos were taken in meiping's office. muahaha. we were there at like eleven plus pm... happily entertaining ourselves whilst she did her stuff. almost as if her office became our playground! she was pretty amused by us too... i think... first photos, group photo! after successfully photocoping 8 copies of the document heh hee. in her boss's office to take photo with the painting :) aint this pic so funny? our photog was shuling haha.

wailing the xerox expert... pretending to hit the copier muahaha. doesnt this remind u of the advert? :P

erm. jinfei n i doing stretching exercises... hahahahaha....

jinfei looks like part of the painting here! shhho farnee!

clowning around is what we do best :)


Anonymous said...

haha jialing,ur blog is super updated.u r super fast man.hehe.n u all damn funny.all the photos taken at meiping's office.too bad i wasnt there.missed out the fun..hmm..hehe.

wei said...

aunty!! :)

sl said...

hahah~ the pic really very cute n funny~~~ shall have more outing like this ya rite? *nodded* muz show to fang this n let her envy~~ haha~ k la.. back to work! have a nice day!!