Wednesday, April 25, 2007

darn. dunno whats wrong with my blogger, always give me trouble when i try to upload photos, hmph!

had a nice night out yesterday with the guys! haha. zhiyang, gordan n yengyong. (dunno how to spell his name lah. let's just call him yy. heh) only got to know yy recently, on zhiyang's 21st actually... but not bad can kind of click, and talk laugh joke together. 4 of us just nice can play bridge together one day... hehe. anyway, met them yest night to go eat snails! yes SNAILS - otherwise known as escargots, a french cuisine. tasted like mussels in butter garlic sauce to me. guess i wouldnt specially go eat it again, unless i bring weisiong there to try or something. there refers to this french restaurant in bugis! the street where there's a kim's hokkien mee... and btw, i think that street is really really nice! kinda reminiscent of hong kong streets, as zhiyang commented. got lots of very interesting eateries there. i must really bring weisiong there to explore!!! *excited*

so, we had our main course (hokkien mee) first b4 proceeding for escargot n dessert... and over dinner, i was happily merrily telling the 3 guys about Sigmund Freud, having just learnt about him n his psychosexual theory in lecture today. muahahaha. over dessert n escargot, poor yy was getting bullied as usual by the other 2, who kept teasing him abt taking an artistic photo with the painting of a woman on the wall behind him... got some, erm, interesting shots of yy n the painting... haha :P the dessert, brownie with ice cream n apple crumble with ice cream, was decent enough la for the price - $4. OH. i forgot to mention. this place HAS NO GST!!!! hahaha. so yes, very good, i support them. will wanna go back and try their lunch set meal. its like $12.90 nett for a 5 course set lunch, or $8.50 nett for a no frills set lunch, so just mian course drink n salad. which in any case, i think is all very worth it! so, any one wanna date me for lunch at this french restaurant? ~grin~

and the highlight of the day... i got my bday present from zhiyang!!! we were passing thru bugis junction when we came across poh khim having their sale... and some of the series are much cheaper than they would otherwise be... so i was seriously tempted :P and zhiyang picked up on it, and asked if i'd like one for my bday present... and so i chose 十兄弟!因为这部戏有我最喜欢的香港女演员- 郭可盈!而且,在这部戏里,她是跟她的老公演一对夫妇呢!hehe :) just that i feel quite bad for causing zhiyang to part with quite a big sum of $$$.... in any case, THANKS so much ya friend? it was a very nice gesture on your part. (p/s: u dont need to treat me to movie anymore! ok? haha) i think i should treat u to a meal or something after burning such a big hole in your pocket...

oh yes, had very interesting discussions about boys n girls with those 3 guys. wah, super hard to get a proper answer out of gordan lah! learn from me, í was so forthcoming with my answers lor :) so was zhiyang. haha. too bad i didnt get to ask the sheep who he finds pretty in my class, haha! (cannot ask la, later he feels pressurized to list me as one of them, HAHA)

that about wraps up my wednesday night out, hehe. had 2 lectures in school b4 that. was so sleepy during the 2nd lecture, only just managed to keep myself from falling asleep! oh and i know which childcare i'll be attached to for my field practicum on tuesdays mornings already... the childcare is very near my house! yay, can cycle there. haha. :)

on another note... i didnt realise i was so emotionally attached to my bro. it really feels kinda funny to see the bathroom devoid of his cup n toothbrush, his towel etc... and his room empty... ah wells! kor, if you're reading this, just wanna say i miss you! hope u settle down nicely in grand canyon and enjoy yourself! :) must read my blog regularly for updates ok! looking forward to webcamming with you... and oh yes, dont bully aiwei ok! :) ~GRINS~

in my 2nd week of school already, school's nice, went for my first dancesport meeting on tues night, learnt progressive cha cha! which actually i'm quite sure i learnt in rgs. made a new guy friend, the guy i was dancing cha cha with. nice guy, but they're all younger than me, all my xiao didis, haha :P am disappointed though that i'll be missing the dance camp... :( HAIS. cant be helped, i'll be in yunnan then! another time i guess.

ngee ann choir concert this sat night!!! havent found someone to go with me. worst case scenario is i'll go by myself. haha. anyone interested? its 28 apr sat night at nus cultural theatre... tix at $10 i think :) let me know asap k? haha

YUNNAN PRAYER MEETING this sat 10.30 am at bethel prayer room!!! must go remind everyone. haha. must get their full names n nrics for my cousin to book air tickets too. haha. what would my cousin do without me man??? :)

oh i forgot, my interesting wed night out kinda ended with a chat on the phone with my yippy friend! aka jason la. haha. whose supposed to be my "korkor", but upon discovering that he has like a million n one meis, i decided i dont wanna be his mei already, so not special lor! so now i'm his twin. muahaha :) that boy is a barrel of laughs... full of crap too, so very entertaining to talk to. jiayou twin!!! he has 2 more papers on wed n fri next week... why your papers end so late one?!!?!?!!! haha :D and hury up confirm whether u're going yunnan with us k! :)


anonym said...


had been lookin diggin high and low for your secretive blog


your blog is really entertainin, jus need to be accompanied with more images then it would be perfect heh heh

a more virtual bloke. haha~

Anonymous said...

haha.fay also complained my blog v wordy.haha urs worst!more words than mine.wahah.we should try to make it less wordy so that fay fay wont complain hor?hehe
